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You stop worrying as you know are beginning to know yourself as Cause being effect which translates to Life living itself. You are no longer limited to effect only, to the mind, falsely believing that you must create your life via the thinking mind. Rather the mind is used to reveal Life.

One experiences synchronicity for when one realizes the true Self, all of life works together as One, through 'the one', rather than many aspects of the One, working against each other due to forgetting their Oneness.

When the thinking mind ceases, Spirit is able to flow through the mind unobstructed and unfiltered by egoic thoughts that distort, delay, and deform the true manifestations of Spirit appearing in the world. Over time effect (mind/body) will starts to resemble Cause, rather than effect. Rather than resembling the egoic mind that filtered the pure light of Spirit shining on our ways. The thinking mind bends and twists this light, into abominations that serve the individual at the expense of the whole aka true Self.

Effect is at the very beginning of starting to truly reflect Cause (Spirit) rather than reflecting the egoic mind, which is a mind without a true Cause. We will see the world begin to heal as our Consciousness as one mind, reflecting one Soul being Spirit rises beyond effect into Cause. Beyond the 2 basic dimensions of the mind and body, and into dimensions of being that we never knew existed until now.

~ Tracy Pierce

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