The 'I' (Unmanifest Alpha - the true I AM) casts off the illusion of the 'I' (Mind Consciousness - our I am-ness - or our sense of existence) and yet remains 'I'. (So, the personal I has been let go of and is absorbed into and as the identity of the Impersonal). Such is the paradox of Self-realization. The Realized do not see any paradox in it. Consider the case of the worshipper (Mind Consciousness) He approaches God (True Consciousness as Alpha) and prays to be absorbed in Him (So he is no longer a worshipper but God himself having been absorbed). He then surrenders himself in faith and by concentration (In order to be absorbed). And what remains afterwards? (There is no one left to experience the realization of the Self, because the worshipper, the seeker has been absorbed into the true Self). In the place of the original 'I', (The Worshipper ) self-surrender (no personal sense of self left - which was only an illusion anyway) leaves a residuum (A vacuum) of God in which the 'I' is lost. That is the highest form of devotion or surrender and the peak of detachment.
~ Ramana Maharshi
Can you see how "I" live yet not "I" ? I identify as the Impersonal Alpha living through a personal Omega body that I am not overly attached too because I know it is temporary - merely a temple for the holy spirit -in tuition or tuition from within - to reside and guide. Can you see how you as the Alpha are in the world as Effect - Mind/body - but not of it as the Alpha or Spirit.
Mind Consciousness differentiates and gives us the experience of being personal which is wonderful, until you start to forget yourself - believing the consciousness of mind is your true and eternal Consciousness.
One's true and eternal Consciousness cannot be accessed until you have died to yourself personally through being deeply present in the moment AS the moment. (Otherwise, we would have Egos wielding power. No, the Ego must die first. The caterpillar must die to become a butterfly). Only in the reality of the present moment (outside personal thought which means outside of thoughts or beliefs created by a mind unconscious of itself as Source), can you align multidimensionally as your true Consciousness. Until that happens you will be fooled into believing your consciousness as mind and body is your real existence. And suffer for it.
~Tracy Pierce