Other noticeable signs of awakening are one worries less, for one knows and understands the truth of life, which has set you free from the need to control it. Surrendering to the moment, one suffers their thoughts no longer. One understands exactly what the present moment is. Likewise, the thinking mind and how incompatible it is to the Present Moment. The act of taking or following after thought will always take one out of the Present Moment - out of one's Temple where one aligns with all multidimensional aspects of one's being and where spiritual guidance is attained. Thinking must become being if we are to ever truly be present NOW.
While journeying along the road less travelled one realizes, that as mind, one is not the creator of life but the revealer of life. One understands that in order to reveal the light within, one's conscious and subconscious minds must be united in a meditative harmony, acting as a channel to receive tuition from within. To embody the light that guides our way in life. One no longer has to suffer the slings and arrows of cause and effect now that one is one is guided in life by one's true Self as Soul being Spirit instead of a mind cut off from its Source like a branch from the vine. Rather than blindly working against the law of cause and effect, we work in accordance with and as it.
“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. - Matthew 6:22
One understands that one sees and is informed by the Inner I (meditative mind) within rather than with the outer eyes of flesh. Spiritual guidance is received through the Inner I from Spirit or Cause and then processed by the mind for the eyes of flesh to behold.
In realization of the truth, one understands the more one surrenders their personal thoughts, the more an impersonal light shines within them. A light that will guide and instruct every thought, every emotion, every act. One knows now that one can simply let go and let be knowing all the added things will come to you in support of your life's purpose which is clear to you now. Once one's Temple has been cleansed and prepared, one meets themselves beyond the mind's awareness, as the awareness of the Incarnate Soul which carries one's life purpose for this incarnation, as well as one's gifts. Beyond this, in time, our Conscious Awareness deepens to touch the hem of Christs gown, which is the outer edges of the one true and eternal Soul that is our true and eternal body.
One knows the guiding light that flows through one's being unheeded and naturally can only be experienced when the mind is kept single and present in as Present (I) Moment Awareness (Am); fully aware - fully present - fully conscious of all dimensions of being and nonbeing. One knows that the quieter the mind becomes the more guidance will come, intuitively, instinctively, and serendipitously. One now understands the words:
Don’t you believe that I am (mind) in the Father, (true Self) and that the Father (true Self) is in me (mind)? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority (Mind). Rather, it is the Father, (True Self) living in me, who is doing his work. - John 14:10
One no longer has a life but knows himself to be life. One no longer sits in the moment, one knows they are the moment. One is the Presence of the Present.
One begins to realize the present moment is actually his body which he is now present in, giving life too, rather than thoughts conjured up by himself as opposed to thoughts inspired by thy Self as Spirit. Thinking ahead gets less and less, going from a year to a month, to a day until y one is only concerned with the present moment. A moment that radiates joy, like it did in childhood, bringing an alive vibrancy and wonder, as well as a trust in life that everything is going to be okay. One understands that understanding is another word for love, and that love is my actual body - it is my heart and my Soul.
"One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I can see!” - John 9:25
~ Tracy Pierce
