Mind Consciousness - which we both identify and use to think with, accounts for approximately 5% of our mind. It is this part of our existence that misidentifies the totality of its existence with the mind and body, whilst completely ignorant of its true and eternal Unmanifest Self that is Spiritual Consciousness. Spirit being Cause lives through the Effect of Mind/body. The Ego only knows himself as Effect - as Mind/body due to creating with the eyes rather than revealing life through the I from and as Spirit/Cause. Therefore, effect - mind/body is creating our physical existence, rather than our true Self, Spirit. The mind reveals the truth. It does not create it. Spirit does. Mind/body are Effect - the manifest known by the eyes. Spirit is Cause - the Unmanifest known through the I.
This misidentification of Mind Consciousness playing the part of Spiritual Consciousness due to unconsciousness, is the root of all our problems. If we created as and from Spiritual Consciousness flowing through Mind Consciousness, life would be heavenly to say the least. However, being unconscious of ourselves Spiritually, we create, rather than reveal, the physical world with the mind which is by nature dualistic and limited. We create both heaven and hell - one day you have it, the next day you don't. Moreover, our vision - our understanding of life - of existence - of reality, is severely limited to the point of being almost blind and insane. In principle it would be no different than the body running around without a mind to control and tame it. Likewise, the mind when cut off from its true intelligence, vision, and heart. The mind being dualistic and consciously separated from its true Cause, acts like a cancer cell, living at the expense of others. If you think the mind is impressive now, in its egoic and insane state - untamed and limited, imagine it when under the governance of its master in and of Spirit.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master" - Robin Sharma
In misidentifying as mind due to ignorance, we inadvertently misuse it. We are not the mind, though we do have one. This is the angle one should be coming from all the time, so that when the mind/body passes away as all 'Effect' aka 'Matter' does, you will not be left bereft. Once you realize your true Self cannot be born or die, you will realize the same thing about others and all of a sudden life loses its sting - its fear of living.
You do not want to be known for just your body. Likewise, you want to be known for your mind too. Similarly, again, keeping with the principle, you do not want to be just known as a Mind/body - you want to be known as the Eternal Light you are. Not just by others but yourself too. If you ever want to embody peace of mind and heart, you must realize this aspect of your being. This is done by being which is the absence of thinking. Not thought, thinking. One thought becomes Awareness and Awareness is interdimensional in ways thinking is not. Awareness is your true Self that begins with the Subconscious and Present Moment and ends with the One Soul being many. Your Awareness when focused upon goes from being personal to impersonal. To know the impersonal the personal must be surrendered. A lot of people have a lot of trouble with this. Myself included.
It means being in the moment awaiting Spiritual inspiration that comes in the guise of all you are conscious of. Everything you know with your senses and your Inner I, both within and without is Consciousness operating at different levels of being, so anything, anywhere. at any time could reach out and touch you - reach out with and as Awareness illuminating your very Being. It could be with the Inner I - intuitive. You could be claircognizant like me, or clairvoyant, or clairsentient. You could be a medium and receive tuition in this way. Or alternatively a song on the radio, a few words on the Television, bumping into someone etc. There are so many avenues. So many. The synchronicity and serendipity will be so profound you might experience them as miraculous relative to your perception of life now. Your Awareness will be called to whatever the I of Spiritual Consciousness directs it too in either its rise or fall from Grace.
~ Tracy Pierce