The conscious mind, the inner I, or our sense of I am-ness THINKS it is creating its life; however, it is not.
When the conscious mind is still and working with the subconscious it is being thought through or thought upon intuitively by our true Self as Spirit. When it is not, it is creating its own idea of life and as you can tell by the world stage - not doing a grand job of it. In the egoic state the mind/body is shaped my karma which are the natural principles of the Soul.
When the mind is incessantly rising in uninspired thought, what it is actually doing is sabotaging its true Self and true purpose for this lifetime, simply because it is unaware and not aligned with itself subconsciously, soulfully, and spiritually. It is not aligned with its 'soul' purpose for being here.
The light of the true Self shines through the mind and into the world. If the mind is full of its own personal thoughts, the light becomes defused and scattered, destroying, delaying and distorting the pure manifestation of one's true Self as Spirit.
Though conscious of itself, the conscious mind aka thought, is not conscious of the subconscious, Present Moment, Soul (Awareness) or Spirit (true Consciousness). The subconscious & present moment are the vessels for the Soul and are considered our temple. A temple that thought aka the conscious mind must become conscious of and abide in. We must become conscious of the fact that we as a conscious mind are part of a symphony of creativity that extends beyond the conscious mind. Together, the Spirit, the Soul, the united conscious and subconscious mind, and the body create life. The conscious mind is merely one small link in the chain of creation. The conscious mind impregnates the subconscious but then so does the Soul/Spirit of man.
The conscious mind, which is what you use to think with, must become experientially conscious of all aspects of its being multi dimensionally in order to align and work with them. Until that happens the conscious mind will consider itself the creator of life and continue calling this life its own while continually and ignorantly working against the whole not only individually but collectively too.
The only way the conscious mind can know and align itself with the fullness of itself multidimensionally is by sitting in its temple aka subconscious/present moment which is the vessel of the Soul. In this manner the conscious mind aka thought is awake and conscious to receive direct illumination from one's true Self as Spirit.
It is your Spirit via the soul that embodies the being mind, (not the thinking mind) that drip feeds awareness into your mind as the vessel for consciousness. You are only aware of what your Soul wants you to be aware of and your soul wants you to be aware of itself and of Spirit.
Once you are conscious of being Spirit, you manifest the fruits of Spirit into the world. If you are not conscious of Spirit, then you are like a branch cut off from the Vine.
~ Tracy Pierce
