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YYou are already the true Self. How can you not be all that you really are? One must simply take away that which is inhibiting the 'conscious' realization of this reality. Namely 'thinking'. Thinking obscures the true self which is the Awareness aka Soul being Spirit behind the thoughts and feelings that distract us. When the incessant rise of thoughts and feelings cease on account of the meditative mind, we become conscious of that which was previously obscured. Once our Consciousness as Mind or the Vessel glimpses Soul aka Awareness, we recognize our true being as One within the One of Many. Once this realization hits us, our mind naturally assumes its proper place as an Instrument or an Effect of Thy Peace - as a revealer of the truth, rather than a creator or Cause.

Initially, meditation means to be deeply present within the moment apperceiving rather than perceiving. Apperceiving is being conscious of being Awareness. It is seeing from the Beingness of Awareness which of course is the essence of meditation, rather than thought which is derived from our Conscious Mind aka Inner I. Awareness, one might say, lives outside of risen thought and feeling in the NOW. This is opposed to being IN our thoughts and feelings that rise out of the Subconscious like a wave does the sea. In effect we have two vantage points. We have the I of our being from which all conscious thought arises, and we have the 'Am' of our Being which is the Awareness of Subconscious. This is what makes us Self-Aware. Our I am-ness. The subconscious is, apart from being the total activity of the I in this lifetime, the total activity of all our lifetimes and sustained by our true and eternal Consciousness as Soul (I) being Spirit (Am).

The present moment is foundational to all ontological and spiritual principles and practices. We must be here now. Only in the now outside of egoic thought and feeling do we find the pearl of great price, which is a peace that passes all understanding. Meaning a truth and peace that cannot be grasped or generated by the mind.

Therefore, stop putting off being happy until the present moment reflects your egoic conditions and expectations formulated by your own personal thoughts/feelings in regard to what it means to be happy. By the time those conditions are met, new conditions are born, so you will never be content, you will never be at peace. You know this from your experience of life to date. Don't be so busy looking for truth and peace outside yourself that you fail to notice it IS your true Self that is here right Now. You will always in all ways be Now. Now is your only reality. Your thoughts and feelings about Now are not reality. When your mind and body pass away with all your thoughts and feelings, you will still be here as Now. Understand what that means through meditation when thoughts and feelings and their consequent manifestations stop distracting you from Thy Self. Be still and know that I am.

Love the moment for what it is, like you would love someone for who they are, not for what you are hoping they will be tomorrow or what they were yesterday. When love is tied up in the past or future or judgements about the Now, we are not loving the person but an image of them.

Tomorrow never comes because tomorrow only lives as a mental concept. The same is true of yesterday. They are not reality. They are mental concepts and mental concepts are not real. Theory is NOT real. Ask any scientist. Theory is not experience. Even thinking of reality is not reality. You know this by asking 10 different people their version of an event and all 10 of them give different takes on what that reality was. Time is always now. Anything or time outside of Now is not reality. So don't wait until tomorrow to be happy. Neither create a mental concept of what happiness is. Simply allow the moment to be whatever it wants to be while finding your happiness within it - as it.

Thinking is not reality. Being is reality. Being is always in all ways Now. Thinking is always in all ways theory or illusion, that more often than not misinterprets and resists the reality of Now, causing us to suffer in our disappointment and unrequited expectations.

Reality is more than being Now. Reality - Now - is your true Body - it is an expression of your true Self in its totality. Even when the I am of mind and body pass away you will always be here Now as the true and eternal I am. Get to know this true Self so that you do not fear the time when the I am-ness of your mind and body passes away. Those who do not fear death are also not afraid to live.

You can always say I am not this or I am not that, I am not the body, or I am not the mind, but never - ever - will you be able to say I am not. Until you become conscious of the true and eternal I am of Thy Being - not My Being, you will live in fear - in False Evidence Appearing Real.

As soon as you fall in love with the moment, you as Love will transform it by seeing the extra in the ordinary. Life then becomes extraordinary. Miraculous and a true reflection of the Real. Your true Self’s reflection.

~ Tracy Pierce

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