Before one can adopt the correct state of mind which is 'Being' aka meditative, one must first use the thinking mind aright by gaining the right understanding needed to surrender the thinking mind for the being mind. In other words, one's mind has to be in on its own awakening. The mind has to be convinced it is for its own good to surrender itself to the impersonal Spirit that in truth it is.
This is what pages like this are for. This is what gurus and metaphysicians like Sri Ramana Maharshi, Rupert Spira, Dr Murdo MacDonald-Bayne, Joel Goldsmith, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Mooji etc etc are for. To help you gain the right understanding that leads you to your true and eternal guru within.
Once the student is ready the teacher appears, once the student is truly ready, the teacher disappears. Ones guru or teacher should always in all ways encourage you to listen to your heart - never his/hers by guiding you towards it, through supplying one with the right understanding and clarity of mind.
This being said, if you employ the mind at all in taking thought (thinking), let it only be contemplation of metaphysical understanding or illumination only. Otherwise practice mindfulness as much as possible. The silence within your mind, through practicing mindfulness is always teaching you and moving you forward whether you are conscious of it or not. The more space you give Spirit in mind by limiting the thoughts filling your mind, the better.
Let your open mind that is conscious and attentive in your loving heart that is always in all ways in Present Moment Awareness, move you within each moment of the day with a sense of knowing or faith in what you do, say or be in any given moment. Notice how life lives itself without you having to think about it at all. Watch how much better life turns out when you are not trying to manipulate and overthink it. You will be quite amazed.
Allow your being to move with grace, in fall alignment of all aspects of being, that is both a blessing to yourself and the world. You do this by being in the moment rather than thinking in it.
~ Tracy Pierce