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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


It is pointless to worry for a life you as mind, have no control over. It is Spirit that controls the mind, not the mind that controls the mind, irrespective of how much you like to 'think' you, as mind, are in control. The only time mind controls the driver's seat is when life goes off track egoically. When the mind is misaligned with itself Spiritually. Therefore, the more you worry and use the mind to fix life, the more you will suffer. . Using the mind to create life, in ignorance of Spirit, that first got you into all this trouble. Using it to get you out of trouble is not the solution.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. - Albert Einstein.

The I of Spirit guides the I of Mind through the Am of the Soul/Subconscious/Present Moment. Note the Subconscious is the true Mind and a million times more powerful than the conscious mind that is merely the witness or actor playing a part. Ideally that is. When the Ego is not in the driver's seat.

Remember pre-enlightenment, the mind and body work unconsciously in regard to Spirit. Liken the egoic mind to a camera that will 'personally' behold an image of both thought and feeling in response to information taken via the eyes of flesh, to subconsciously develop said images into the outer world of physical manifestation for you and the rest of us to experience in the flesh. You don't want that. We don't either. Egoic images are false images (False as they are conjured by Mind rather than Spirit) that for the most part consist of worrying, through reliving yesterday or anxiously imagining the future, in turn manifesting egoic ideas that distort, delay, and destroy the true manifestations of your Spirit working through the Soul/Present Moment. This is not good at all, as your true purpose for this incarnation is tied up in Spirit, not mind. A Spiritual purpose you are not yet conscious of, nor aligned with, so inadvertently work against as Mind. Because of this you suffer, along with many other lives your life touches.

However, there is a way out of this madness. If you are going through something tragic, something particularly concerning then do this. Stay in the moment and deal only with what is right in front you. Open your heart (Subconscious mind that holds the door to Spirit) by being consciously present in it, so that you whole heart, soul, and mind is listening, open to being guided intuitively, instinctively, serendipitously. It is only when the mind is quiet and the heart open, (The conscious and subconscious mind working together) that we absorb the light needed to negate the darkness. To align us with our true selves, our purpose for being and our good. Moreover, while focusing intently on the moment, which is Awareness of a kind, you are not giving attention to the false images created by a mind cut off from its Source.

Remember Spirit is unmanifest (without form) silent, still, and omniscient - all knowing. Therefore, when guidance comes to you to lighten your burden it will come to you in silence, in stillness and in confidence that speaks to the heart of awareness so that your conscious mind will comprehend it through thought. Spiritual guidance will not come to the mind that only hears its own Egoic voice that is absent in awareness and present only in its own consciousness. The I Consciousness of Spirit (Eternal and infinite) and the I Consciousness of Mind (Temple-temporary) cannot merge as one unless the I consciousness of mind is in its Temple of Awareness (Present Moment Awareness). If you trust in your heart (Human temporary Soul) and in the heart of all hearts (True eternal Soul), then hold it open in stillness and love, and invite the Truth to enter. To reiterate and affirm, when the truth comes, it comes in the way of stillness, silence and with confidence. You will just know, without taking thought, how to act, what to say and what to do at any given moment. For instance, before going to work one morning, I had the thought 'come' to me to take the Great South Rd rather than taking the motorway, which I did. When I got to work, I found out there had been an accident on the motorway causing congestion that would have seen me stuck in traffic for well over an hour, causing me to be late for work where I was looking after a very sick man that needed me. Life, when lived through and as Spirit as opposed to Mind, will greet you with solutions you would never have dreamed would come your way.

Knowing Aka Faith is a different experience to feeling and thought. It has a vehicle and experience of its own. Let this be clearly understood. For example, you do not feel you exist, you do not think you exist, you know you do. See if you can distinguish the different experiences of all three.

I know how hard it will be to quieten the mind under trying circumstances. Even circumstances that are not trying is difficult. When there is a problem, the mind likes to get busy straight away trying to solve it, so letting go and letting the light in through the stillness and silence of mind will seem counter intuitive and extremely difficult, however trust me when I tell you it is the only way. It is the only way out of the darkness and into the light. Your Soul is all knowing. There will be no need for you as mind, to take thought and partake from the tree of knowledge (Take thought). Soul is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Spirit being Soul will come to mind and you will know exactly what to do, say think or be in that moment. As if by magic. This is living by faith. Faith is knowing and knowing is the way of Soul.

“The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still, when silence speaks loudest.” - Leon Brown

“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? - Matthew - 6:25-34

The verse above means that thinking and looking for a solution with thought conjured by Mind uninspired by Spirit intuitively, will only keep you in the mental realm, which is limited and of highly polarized. One must rise higher to the Spiritual realm for their solutions - for their true purpose in and as Life. This is only done when the mind is quiet, still, intuitively receptive, and quiescent. When the Consciousness of Mind is present in and of Awareness. Awareness constituting the Subconscious, the Present Moment and Soul. In this stillness Knowing Aka Faith will come. This knowing will eventually develop itself into thought and feeling and you may process this knowing into knowledge via thinking if you need be. The need varies depending on the evolution of the Soul.

~ Tracy Pierce

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Jun 14, 2023

Tracy I found you from Joshua's site Spirit of the Scripture. I spent a good part of a day reading your conversation from Developing Intellect In Biblical symbolism, and it was mostly your part of the conversation that helped me grasp, anything about the subject.

It was this comment that you made, about the 4th one down:

In my opinion your concepts are based on an assumption. The assumption you know the purpose for life – and no one knows that. You assume (as is typicla of the ego) that we are here to LEARN – to become MORE MORE MORE. I think that is a serious mistake to make. What if we are not here to learn but to…

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