Become a watcher or a witness to your thoughts and feelings. This is the first step along the road less travelled.
In this way you will be able to differentiate and create a space between yourself as Awareness and yourself as the thoughts and feelings that arise. That space will allow room for your true Self as Awareness to be experienced. Witness this!
In this way, you will understand that if you can witness your thoughts and feelings, then you cannot be them.
Become conscious of being Awareness itself. Learn to apperceive outside of thoughts, rather than perceiving inside of them. In this way, you will begin to reveal and manifest the truth of Spirit rather than the lies and false images (thoughts) of a mind cut off from its Source by being ignorant of itself as Awareness aka Soul.
One must become conscious of themselves as Awareness, as Source before any reflection of the true Self as Awareness, can be born upon earth in the physical.
Seen as how Awareness has no form, keeping our attention and focus on it is impossible by using the senses that thought is used to doing. Rather we must BE Awareness rather than SEE it. One knows oneself as Awareness with the Inner I not with the eyes of Flesh. Rather than being Awareness caught up in thought as thought, one as thought turns around from the world of form to look within and become conscious of being Awareness. This is the I of the conscious mind coming together with the Am of the subconscious, which is our present moment awareness that holds the door to the superconscious where one's true Awareness (Soul - Am) and Consciousness (Spirit - I) is experienced.
Therefore, in meditation we bring the I (thought or conscious mind) together with the Am of the subconscious that sits in the present moment, which form a channel to experience the true Self which is our Soul (Awareness) being Spirit (Consciousness). This is being in alignment or under Grace.
In time you will realize the mind was born to reveal the truth by being in alignment or under Grace, not create it via thinking it.
Know thyself & you will know ALL else.
~Tracy Pierce