You will encounter a lot of opposition on this path. The path of your heart. Winding roads, potholes and harsh elements will all take their toll. The death of the ego is a path of suffering and great pain. It is not for the faint of heart. Not all weary travellers you encounter are going to be interested in taking time to tip their hat and exchange pleasantries in passing. Some may even try trip you up or mislead you.
This is particularly true of academics/intellectuals who covet the intelligence of mind in a world where knowledge, rather than knowing, is held in high esteem and well rewarded. They will use their intelligence as a weapon, so arm yourself with an inner faith while traveling and be careful not to cast your pearls before swine. Do not share your truth with those who only pretend to be interested, so they can cut you down with their intellectual double-edged sword. Let those who live by the sword, die by it. These people love identifying with the mind as it gives them a holier than thou sense of self, a sense of superiority in a world people either feel inferior or superior. In a world that is devoid of its light & which forces us to hustle the dark, day in day out with whatever talents we have. Let them go their way. You go yours. Wish them well. Wish them consciousness. Their time will come in this life or another to awaken to the Soul as you are doing now.
Be wary of other religions and schools of thought too, for they are not much better than intellectual know-it-alls. Their gold is their morality, and it is with this disconnected morality, they will judge you and try to put you down. Do not let them break your heart. Keep walking. One foot in front of the other, two eyes on the road and while the "Inner I" ever present within - following your beautiful albeit broken heart, even though it is shaken and weary. Be strong, mend all your outdated core beliefs and redundant habit patterns left over from an egoic life and step into the light.
The path of the Spiritual Warrior will often see your ego torn apart. It will see you shamed and humiliated, forgotten about and alone, but this is all so you will seek the Present Moment with all your heart and all your Soul and all your 'being' mind. All these things will cause you to suffer so that you will look for the Inner Truth within, rather than in a world full of lies.
Understand also that if you speak of your dream before it is dreamt, the energy supporting its manifestation into the physical will dissipate. Hold close to your heart your inspiration from Spirit, like a babe you carry in your arms until it is strong enough to walk on its own. Moreover, what others do not know about, they cannot sabotage. Wait until you are strong enough not to be influenced by "They Say", for the voice of the world is hypnotic. Remain silent until the Silent Voice takes you over.
The path of the Spiritual Warrior will often see your ego torn apart. It will see you shamed and humiliated, forgotten about and alone, but this is all so you will see the Present Moment with all your heart and all your Soul and all your 'being' mind. All these things will cause you to suffer so that you will look for the Inner Truth within, rather than in a world full of lies.
Understand also that if you speak of your dream before it is dreamt, the energy supporting its manifestation into the physical will dissipate. Hold close to your heart your inspiration from Spirit, like a babe you carry in your arms until it is strong enough to walk on its own. Moreover, what others do not know about, they cannot sabotage. Wait until you are strong enough not to be influenced by "They Say", for the voice of the world is hypnotic. Remain silent until the Silent Voice within your hear takes you over.
This heart of yours is the only true guide or light you have. It is the only true religion. The religion of Love is found on the path of Heart. Your heart is your own inner Awareness found deep within your subconscious and beyond into the fullness of the Present Moment. When the two minds (conscious and subconscious) come together they form a channel that intuits one's true being in and of Spirit. Your true guiding light. This is why the Present Moment is so important and why you must stay in it. The thinking mind cannot work in the Present Moment, and it is the 'Thinking Mind' that keeps the ego alive. The Present Moment has a life of its Own. You need take no thought for your life. All you need to do is listen to your intuition while doing your best in each and every moment as it serendipitously carries you to your destination.
Don't let the darkness of this world snuff out your light. Silently put one foot in front of the other, 'knowing' you are being led by your higher Self. Know that even if you are alone in body, you never are in Spirit. Don't let the madness of this world prevent you from taking another step towards your truth and your sanity. Pay no mind to "They Say" for "They Say has said too much already.
“The biggest liar in the world is They Say.” - Douglas Malloch
Keep walking and if you can't walk then crawl. Let your truth, the very heart of you, move you ever forward with true grit and determination. With inspiration and with intuition. Your inner truth will uphold you every step of the way, even when you are falling and feel like you are dying, know Fate is guiding you. One must die of the ego before the Truth is born. It will be painful, and you will suffer, but just like childbirth, it is worth it for you will be born again in and of Spirit. And just like everyone arrives with gifts for the babe on its birth so will you come into your gifts. So that you might live your Truth sharing your gifts with the world. You will know what they those gifts are when you rise and shine, and you will, so take heart my friend. Truth and happiness will get you in the end. I promise.
Let your heart felt Spirit of Truth, lead you back home to yourself, to where you belong. To where you have always belonged: to the keeper of all our hearts.
Kia kaha - stay strong!
~ Tracy Pierce