The process of self-realization is messy. It's not exactly a straightforward process even thought it might appear that way when discussed in principle. The Conscious Mind Aka Inner I remains still and quiescent in and as the Awareness of the Subconscious which is also the Present Moment. This is the right understanding and the right practice. Present Moment Awareness is our Temple and where the I should abide while waiting for the I of Spirit to raise it up.
However, and this is a big however, the Conscious Mind Aka thought, cannot abide in a Temple that is not at peace with itself. If the Temple is not purified and tempered the Conscious Mind will continually rise in the creation of thought, which takes it out of its Temple, which in turn means it will never be able to become conscious of itself Spiritually. If the attention of the Conscious Mind is not in its Temple, it is not home to receive the gifts of Spirit nor realize itself Spiritually.
So while staying in the moment – deep in the Awareness of the Subconscious we must as the same time, become conscious of all that is unconscious in us. Of all that does hinder us. Namely Vasanas Aka core beliefs that carry karma with them. Beliefs created by a false sense of Self. In order to realize the true Self, we must realize what we are not by facing our greatest fears and darkness.
Only when we have completely let go of this false identity and balanced our karma, can the Conscious Mind rest within the peace of the Subconscious temple as Present (I) Moment Awareness (Am). So, the process of Self-Realization entails that we 1 – stay present in and as the moment until we are no longer in it but are it. All personal sense of Self should be replaced with a state of Being that is impersonal. This requires a state of Being rather than thinking. Taking thought as a mind ignorant of itself Spiritually, is what creates a false identity. Once thinking ceases through being present in and as the Moment, this false identity false away. 2 – we temper, purify, and heal the Subconscious of core tendences that no longer serve the Self both individually and collectively by firstly making them conscious and then through divine reasoning inspired by divine illumination. In other words, the Vasanas holding our Karma, are burnt off by the light of the true Self, allowing the mind to settle, balance and align itself with all aspects of its being impersonally and personally multidimensionally. With no personal self no karma can exist.
Steps 1 & 2 alternate continuously. Through being present we become conscious of what does hinder us unconsciously as karmic vasanas. In becoming conscious we divinely reason, heal and release that which does hinder us – that which is part of our false identity. This means we often leave our Temple due to being caught up in our egoic thoughts and emotions that we are letting go of. Once let go we go back to being able to be present in and of the moment. Each time a part of our Temple is healed and let go of we are able to stay in our Temple for longer periods of time.
In staying present for longer periods of time, the light that is us continues to bring to light that which is false while burning up the vasanas or core tendencies we have carried around lifetime after lifetime. The more we let go of the false Self, the more the real Self is realized. The I of our Mind becomes more and more conscious of its true Self as firstly the Awareness of the Subconscious (reincarnating Soul) and then as the Awareness of its true Self as the One and eternal Soul which is the activity of our true and eternal I of Spirit. Here the I of Spirit and the temporary (Temple) I of Mind unite as One whose name is I am that I am.
“What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Matthew 19:6).
~ Tracy Pierce