Firstly, let us understand what Faith actually is. Faith is an EXPERIENTIAL understanding of Spirit. Faith is an actual activity within one's Consciousness of Mind that is not of Mind. The Spirit within the form has finally identified with Spiritual Consciousness (formless) behind it rather than Mind Consciousness in front of it. One finally realizes they are Spirit working through Mind Consciousness as opposed to believing they are Mind Consciousness alone.
The true Self is of course omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient therefore, it does not need to accumulate knowledge. It is all knowing. Therefore, rather than taking or creating thought Aka thinking we hold a Meditative Mind that lives by Intuition - by Faith, which is known or experienced as 'Knowing' or Claircognizance. This is a far superior way of Being as opposed to 'thinking'. Faith when received is always in all ways beneficent and non-maleficent to one and all.
Do not get me wrong, thinking had its place and still does by degree. Thinking is to being what crawling is to walking.
When you see an atrocity or an abomination on earth - do you see the true Self behind it? Or just the atrocity? Can you see beyond the false appearances of the Ego's manifestations and demonstrations?
When you see a person suffering from an atrocity such as a terminal illness, do you see the healthy well and pure Soul behind it? The pure attribute-less Light of I AM? Or do you just see the Ego as they themselves do? Ego being defined as Spirit confusing its existence with the instrument rather than its true unmanifest and eternal Self.
Do you judge appearances as they are - with the eyes of flesh that inform the egoic mind, blind to itself Spiritually? Or do you see the with the "I" of the Christ or Buddha Mind (Purified Meditative Mind) that sees through the appearance, through the disformed and distorted Human Soul Aka Subconscious, to the true Self behind it? Because if you do, then consider 'Thy Self' a Metaphysical Healer or a Faith Healer. If your mind is enlightened, then it will attract and bring forth the Light in others.
Understand this is not always a process you will be thanked for. It is not always appreciated. Imagine waking someone up that is in a deep sleep, having a wonderful dream. They are usually quite cranky at the disturbance and will quite often hit out at you before going back to sleep. Never take this personally. Those that are on the point of waking will thank you for they are happy to be awake. Generally, because their dreams have turned into a nightmare so yes, are happy to be woken. Such is the path of suffering.
We all know that whatever we hold in our mind will be held in our body and the body of the world at some point, depending on the purity and the intensity of light flowing or not flowing through the Subconscious Mind for the Conscious Mind (Thoughts) to witness and experience.
Therefore, the question begs, if you see evil in others - is it because evil is real or is it because there is evil in your own Soul, preventing you from seeing the purity of the true Self behind the appearance of evil? Now when I say evil bear in mind that evil is merely the absence of Light or Love. It has no power or life of its own - therefore is a non- power unless you as the light empower it. And if you do only see evil, what will you produce? Likewise, if you see beyond the appearance, to their true Self, which is also your true Self - what will you produce in the physical?
When you see the Light of the One true Soul behind the appearance you call it forth for like attracts like. Calling the light forth from within someone affects the effect - the form of the person as it passes through them allows them to see themselves as they truly are for the first time if they are advanced enough. Or at the very least, affecting some type of healing. This is what Jesus meant when he said to pick up your bed and sin no more, least a worst travesty be visited upon you. If you hold an absence of light within your Human Soul Aka Subconscious, you will bring it forth so that the Conscious Mind shines a light on it - making it conscious for you and all to see and heal. This is learning the hard way. There is an easier way of enlightening thy Self and it is called meditation and mindfulness. One deliberately brings the light of Awareness Aka Soul to their consciousness through Present Moment Awareness.
So, when we want to affect a healing for anyone what do we do? Well firstly we heal ourselves of any false images held in mind. Seeing anything but the purity of Spirit within yourself and others is a pure mind. Also, do not imagine that we of ourselves - as mind/body can do anything all but be still mentally allowing the Light that is within us as us, to shine forth, through the pure vision of the person we hold in mind, so that the Light of all Being, goes before us healing the consciousness of the person that they themselves hold with their own consciousness an illness of some type, first healing them mentally and then physically.
The only way to heal the world is to heal yourself by cleansing, purifying, and tempering your own Subconscious Mind so that the light of the true Self shining through mind, can flow through unobstructed by the darkness of the Ego, healing everything in its wake.
~ Love Tracy
