People do not realize that the Present Moment is differentiations and levels of their Soul. The subconscious, the Incarnate Soul, the Present Moment (Collective of all subconscious minds) are differentiations of Soul aka Awareness.
Awareness aka Soul is the activity or body of Spirit - together they are your true eternal and unmanifest Self that is One.
Everyones I am-ness, regarding mind and body is a reflection of the true I AM - the true self, when the mind surrenders and serves the present moment instead of becoming lost in its own thoughts outside the moment.
Do you see? Your mind is a vessel or instrument of Thy Peace - of the true self. It must stay in the Present Moment to give life to the Soul which is the body of Spirit, rather than rising outside the present moment in the process of thinking, thereby giving life to its own limited and dual thoughts.
~ Tracy Pierce