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Thought is created when (I) Atman, Christ, Krishna etc being the projected reflection of your true Self as (I) God or Brahman etc projects himself forward as the Human Soul (Am) Aka Subconscious, within the womb of the true eternal Soul (AM) of Brahman. The one true eternal Soul is known by the activity behind effect. In other words, she can be known by the 3 Guna's or the 8 Hermetic Laws, as well as other conceptualizations that will not be addressed here. How you want to conceptualize life beyond Mind is up to you, what is important is the principles of such concepts which never alter or change.

When projecting himself forward as the Mind Aka Human Soul within the eternal Soul of the true Self, Atman in his ignorance breaks all karmic laws which in turn leads to birth and rebirth due to an imbalance that must be balanced before realization can take place. This imbalance is necessary however, in the same way it was necessary for Michelangelo to split the marble into an individual slab before shaping it into the likeness of an angel (True self). Or conceptualized another way, an atom's (Human Soul) power is not released until it divides. Think in terms of both frisson and fusion.

The forward trajectory Atman forming as the Human Soul, into the Eternal Soul as I stated earlier causes an imbalance which is a necessary stage in the process of creation. The three Gunas of the Eternal Soul are sent array. Of the three Guna's: Raja's (Red) coupled with the still dream-like quality of Tamas (Black) effectively becomes imbalanced which obscures or rather muddies the purty of the 3rd Guna (White) Sattva. The process of realization is the balancing of all three so that clarity of Mind is established allowing Atman to see his reflection in it and thereby realize his true Self as Brahman, at which point he cleaves the I AM of the true Self, rather than the I am of Mind Aka Human Soul.

The Human Soul is made up of many dimensions or sheaths which again can be and are conceptualized all over the world differently. I will be speaking about their principles using my own conceptualization. The Subconscious Aka true Mind or Human Soul includes the Conscious Mind as well as unconscious aspects of the Subconscious such as karmic Vasana's created from the initial fall as well as previous lifetimes as Ego. I singled out the Conscious Mind, which is called both the mental and intellectual sheath in the Vivekachudamani as it is the sheath or dimension that Atman misidentifies with causing the birth of a false sense of Self called the Ego.

The Conscious Mind (I) is an instrument of Atman, that in turn is an instrument of Brahman (True Self). The Conscious Mind is a vessel that beholds the Holy spirit Aka intuition when the Conscious Mind is held in a profound state of quiescent stillness. However, this is not the case when Ego reigns supreme. When Atman through the Fall has forgotten himself and has identified with the Conscious Mind (Body Consciousness) rather than his true self as Brahman or God.

The Ego uses the Conscious Mind to create thought, believing itself to be the creator of Life. Of course, this is not the case, for it is Brahman living through the Eternal Soul that beholds Atman and the body (Subconscious) of Atman. Due to the effects of the three Guna's Atman is only partially Conscious of himself. He is only conscious of himself as the Conscious mind while barely conscious of his Subconscious and all unconscious aspects of his Being regarding this life and previous lives. The more he lives the more conscious he becomes as he rises from his fall in the realization of Self.

If the Conscious mind is kept still within the 'am' of the Subconscious, rather than rolling out of its Temple like a wave in the sea, it becomes a witness to the glory of Brahman living through Atman and the body (Universe or world) of Atman. If it does not keep still and rises in thought, it obstructs the light and love of Brahman in the same way clouds obstruct the sun.

So, we can see it is Atman (I) in his ignorance that creates these clouds - these thoughts that blocks the Christ (Son) - Atman, Krishna or Buddha depending on your choice of conceptualization, that in turn gives life to Brahman - the true Self. These thoughts, when created rise into the ether (matrix of the one mind) where they are attracted to their equal or opposite thoughts of 'other' cells (people) within the One Mind.

You can see now that thoughts come to mind in one of two ways; we create, or we attract them. These thoughts are called false images as they are created by Atman identifying with form (Human Soul) rather than your true Self as brahman Aka God. As earlier stipulated, these false images defile the Subconscious by creating filters (Subconscious tendencies and karmic Vasana’s) that obstruct the pure light of Brahman flowing through and as the eternal soul that beholds Atman as the Son that births the world as his body (Human Soul which contains the Witness as the Conscious Mind).

Vasana’s created by Brahman rather than the ignorance of Atman or the Inverted Christ or whatever you want to call it, are necessary if the body of the world is to be maintained, otherwise when Atman cleaves to Brahman the universe disappears. The only reason it does not entirely for the realized one is because he is still a part of the One Mind that is still in its Egoic state dreaming. Once the last dreamer wakes up the dream has been dreamt and the world disappears only to reappear as the snake eats its own tail and we as One being Many, dream a dream again. Such is the creation of the Alpha the Omega - eternal, infinite, omniscient, omnipresent & omnipotent.

"All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" - Edgar Allan Poe

~ Love Tracy

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