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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


One either identifies as form being Mind-Consciousness which has a body or that which is formless as Spiritual-Consciousness flowing through the form of a Mind and Body. If one has not 'experientially' realized Thy Self as Spirit through the still Inner I, then it would be fair to say that one still identifies as form only - as Mind-Consciousness due to using the eyes of flesh to ascertain one's reality. Theoretically knowing you are Spirit does not count, for theory is still only Mind-Consciousness. However, it is fair to say that theoretically knowing you are Spirit is a step ahead of not believing you are spirit at all. Still as I said, people have theoretically believed for thousands of years there is more to our being than merely the mind/body and it has gotten them nowhere except people arguing over what is true or not true. When you know experientially what is true, you cease to argue about it. Once you know Thy Self Spiritually you have nothing to prove to anyone.

How and as what we identify as, dictates how the Conscious Mind (That which we think with) is used. The Conscious Mind which is none other than thought. In fact, that is all it is. Every thought you have springs from the primary I-thought. The Conscious Mind, like an embryo divides itself into copious thoughts which gives the impression of their being a train of thought with someone driving said train. There is no driver of this train - there is only the train driving itself.

Some refer to this I as one's Inner I. Our Inner I is our I am-ness, our presence of being that dissolves into our true I am-ness as Spiritual Consciousness when focused on. Until that happens, until Spiritual Consciousness takes over the reigns as Mind-Consciousness we identify as a Mind having a body, therefore use the inner I (The Conscious Mind) to create thought thereby create a life in the physical from the mental realm, which naturally is a sad state of affairs as evidenced through history and today. All day long we make mental images that we record in our physical brain, labelling them past present future, which of course lends itself to the illusion of time and space. One thought means no time and space are experienced once the Subconscious embodies this true. Copious thoughts mean time and space. Where there is two, there is always space, and where there is space, there is time.

Once the Inner I is held in a state of Being rather than thinking, the spell of identifying with Mind-Consciousness is broken. Only the thinking mind keeps the Ego alive. Bear in mind however, the spell of Ego is not broken until it hits the Subconscious Aka Human Soul. Consciously knowing is not enough - one must know it Subconsciously.

However, on further examination of this I-thought, we will find it is merely a passing phase, an object with a death sentence. Here today, gone tomorrow along with all forms that come and go in the big scheme of things. When we focus this Inner I we identify with in and as the moment, it magically disappears. In its place the true I am is realized. Once the Inner I, that which Maharshi calls the Primary I-thought focuses its attention within instead on what the senses are telling it about the outside world, the Spiritual Realms come to life and the physical world is seen as the dream or illusion it is.

To conclude, the right use of mind then is stillness so that the mind combines with the One Impersonal Mind that serves the One Impersonal Spirit. You could liken this to all cells within your mind deciding to work together as ONE instead of working individually against each other as a cancer cell does. Each cell, like each cell in the body has its particular job to do, however it never forgets it is the WHOLE body, while being itself. If any cell in the body does forget it is part of the whole, it works against the body, rather than with it. The Inner I must be kept still so that the One Mind directed by the One Spirit can work through and upon it.

~ Love Tracy

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