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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


The reason one must forget all one has learnt is because of thought. Memory cannot be formed without thought. Without thought there is no personal self. The personal self is built through memory and egoic imagination. If there are no memories, no personality, no particularly attachments, there is no ego. There is only the Universe living through you, as an avatar in the Now.

In Self Realization one rises from the personal to the impersonal. From mind consciousness to true Consciousness. One learns to live in the world without taking thought. Rather one is guided through the faculties of intuition, instinct, knowing & serendipity which are the properties of the Soul directed by Spirit. The conscious mind rising in thought, taking itself out of the Spiritual realm, only comes into play about 5-10% of the time, at this point in our evolution, when it turns knowing into knowledge, with the analysis and formation of mental images for the subconscious to act upon and manifest into the physical. This 5-10% of the mind is used less and less the more the mind self realizes.

As mind & body, which one identifies as being at this point in our evolution, one is merely an empty vessel for one's true and full Consciousness until Self-Realization has occurred. One, as mind conscious, must remain mentally still in one's own reflected Awareness (Subconscious), allowing your Conscious-Awareness to be intuitively acted upon while expanding into the true and full Awareness of Self that is directed by one's true and full Consciousness. This is Self-Realization. Once you have done this the Creator (True Consciousness) and its image (Mind Consciousness) are aligned and move as One. Once the consciousness of mind marries the awareness of Soul being Spirit the vessel as the mind is filled with one's true Consciousness. This is Self-Realization. This will be your experience of truth. It will no longer be theoretical but an actual reality.

Once the mind is in harmony with its true Self, having consciously and subconsciously expanded into its true Self, the Holy Ghost which is another name for Intuition will descend and guide your ways through a sense of knowing. This sense of knowing comes within the silence of your mind and as a knowing. It is a knowing as it comes from Spirit that is Omniscient - All knowing.

The Holy Spirit, (Intuition) whom the Father (Full Consciousness) will send in my name, (I AM) will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you". John 14:26

~ Tracy Pierce

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