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Remember the Ego goes deeper than thoughts and feelings. The I that has identified with Ego is the inverted Atman which is a reflection of Brahman. This is the I thought that dissolves into and as Brahman when facing the true Self rather than projecting itself into and as the Mind.

All these thoughts and feelings are reporting to this personal I that is Atman. Atman has confused himself with his projection, his Mind or Soul, while forgetting his true Self as Brahman. When Atman (Reflection of true Self or Spirit of true Self) merges with Brahman (True Self) the personal sense of self dies in favour of the Impersonal.

Now we can understand Galatians 2:20

“I am (Personal sense of Self) crucified with Christ (Atman): nevertheless I (Brahman living through Atman) live; yet not I (Atman living in the personal), but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in. the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved. me, and gave himself for me.

When Atman Aka Christ, Buddha or Krishna is present in his mind/body he is absent with the true Self as Brahman, so the Christ dies for that sin - hence why it is said that Christ died for our sins. When Self-realization happens it is Atman or Christ realizing himself as Brahman/God etc, which kills the Ego Aka personal sense of Self.

Also this biblical verse that tells us to be absent from the body (Meaning Mind) while present with the Lord Aka true Self via meditation which puts the brakes on thinking so that we can be present as the Presence.

"We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord" - 2 Corinthians.

~ Love Tracy


Talks from Sri Ramana Maharshi

Question: What is the difference between the mind and the Self?

Ramana Maharshi: There is no difference. The mind turned inwards is the Self; turned outwards, it becomes the ego and all the world. Cotton made into various clothes we call by various names. Gold made into various ornaments; we call by various names. But all the clothes are cotton and all the ornaments gold. The one is real; the many are mere names and forms.


Here is a good video to watch concerning the dissolution of Ego. Stat from 28 minutes in approx.

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