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Writer's picture: Tracy PierceTracy Pierce

Due to people are cut off from their Cause, their abundance, their love & truth, they mistakenly seek it in the outer world of Effect, which is always in all ways transient. Ever changing. One day you will have it, one day you don't: love, wealth, health, life etc. Therefore, it goes without saying your greatest joy will also be your greatest sorrow.

People seek their sense of worth and happiness in other people and things such as money and power, hoarding both with an insatiable thirst for more. Perversely however, people unknowingly, cut themselves off from their own abundance when they cut themselves off from their Cause that manifests all physical phenomena, by seeking it Effect, with effect aka thought. Worse yet, being cut off from their own truth, one loses connection with all other beings including the planet for it is only at the Spiritual level we know each other as One. The result being people have no consideration for others or the planet, unless they feel personally connected.

The outcome of this is catastrophic. Instead of working as One, we often work against each other. The outcome is akin to a cancer cell that parasitically grows at the expense of the whole body. No wonder we see it manifested in our outer realities when it is alive and well in our inner reality. Or perhaps this sad situation could be likened to the left arm hitting the right arm because left arm wants more from the body than the right arm, not realizing they are of the same body. Do you see the ridiculousness of this? Can you see how the whole body suffers because of this disconnect to Cause? One's personal disconnect to the whole will manifest itself in our outer affairs, in our daily activities of living. We are cutting ourselves off from our life's blood so to speak. From our very breath.

You can see the truth of these words in the world around you today. People are divided and waring with each other for their good in EFFECT because they have lost sight of their connection with CAUSE - their true Self which unifies us all, giving in equal measure to one and all. If one knows themselves as Spirit experientially (Theoretically does not cut it) one can create anything out of nothing, so why panic or go to war for it?

People are using EFFECT, for the mind IS effect, to create effect, which is loosely effective but for a short amount of time, and often with ill effects to the world around us, for effect having no life of its own is blind, or rather - without Spiritual vision. This is what Jesus meant when he said let the dead bury the dead. Without the CAUSE in EFFECT, life is a dead work. An illusion. A manifestation born of a lie. An abomination played out on the world stage and mistaken for truth. There is no truth in disease and poverty. There is no life war or murder. These are all manifestations of the absence of Spirit. They are manifestations created by Spirits vessel (mind) that is empty due to not having realized the true Self. The mind cannot think what it does not know - what it is not conscious of.

Take the richest men on earth. They continue to hoard their wealth at the expense of the rest of the world, trying desperately to find their good, but no matter how much money they make or have, it is never enough. To harbour insatiability is a horrid fate. To never be content or at peace. Yes, what a terrible fate indeed, as each of us know to one degree or another. All of us have unnatural attractions and addictions that rob us of our power and good.

Therefore, we should not throw stones, for as I have already pointed out, we all lose power to thought/emotion by degree and we all suffer for it while at the same time, inadvertently (sometimes deliberately) making others in the world suffer. If only we truly realized that hurting another only hurts ourselves, then we would not harm another being on this planet including the planet itself which in truth is our Self, a part of our body - not apart from it.

It is easy to see and understand then, that it is suffering that leads us back home to the truth of our Being. For is not suffering, losing, or not having what we love our inspiration to change? The absence of love is painful for us all, even if we are not conscious of it.

If you love Effect, you will eventually lose it, if you love Cause (True Self) it will be yours forever more; you will never suffer, as Cause is the place from which all Effect comes into being. This is the 'Well' spoken about in the bible and many other spiritual texts in both the occidental and oriental.

But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

Being Cause, you already have all you want - and IMPORTANTLY, you realize it. If you don't realize it, if you are not conscious of your true Self as Cause, you will mistake yourself for Effect which is both dualistic and limited. The forms of effect have both a birth and a death. Cause has neither. This is why Self-Realization is important for your happiness. A theory or understanding of the truth of your being is not enough. You are still operating from the mental realm of being. Truth must be experiential. You must EXPERIENCE yourself as Cause, as Spirit.

Eventually the lovers of Effect will get to the point where they are tired of suffering and cease looking for their good, for their love and truth in the mind, in form and seek it in Cause, from their true Self in and of Spirit. How many times must you suffer the ramifications of failed love before you seek your true love?

This is where you are now, and this is why this page has been manifested in your reality. You are seeking the Cause of your being; you are seeking your Truth - your ever-lasting good - your true Self. The love that you not only deserve but ARE!

You know as well as I do, the truth is within you - not out there in the world. Keep the mind still and the heart open to intuitive wisdom. To a sense of 'knowing' or Faith. This will lead you back home to your Self. It does not matter how many times you have stumbled. Rise and rise again.

"No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks" - Mary Wollstonecraft

~ Tracy Pierce

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