The conscious mind is the vessel for Spirit and the subconscious is the vessel for Soul. I Spirit Am Soul that I conscious mind am subconscious mind. I am that I am.
The conscious mind (Attention) will impregnate the subconscious (Awareness) with thought. In turn she will respond emotionally. Whatever she feels she creates in the physical world. Emotion is the harbinger of motion. Behind the incarnate mind sits the Soul being Spirit - our true Self that most do not realize, hence 'Self-Realization'. You could say that emotion is the response, expression, or activity of thought.
The only problem is, is the conscious mind is an empty vessel due to not realizing its true Self as Spirit. It cannot realize itself as Spirit as it is always rising out of its temple which is the subconscious which always sits in Present Moment Awareness. If the conscious mind has risen out of its Temple, thereby dividing its house - its 'I am', it will not be home to receive spiritual guidance. It other words it will not be able to be filled with the Holy Ghost (Spirit). Rather it will remain an empty vessel that misleads itself, causing its subconscious (The only part of it Soul to serve it) to betray and separate itself from the One Soul. Our conscience reminds us repeatedly that we are out of our Temple.
Every lifetime as we evolve, the Incarnate mind-soul has more dominion over the One Soul due to becoming more aware. Awareness and Soul mean the same thing. Awareness is the activity of Consciousness and Consciousness is Spirit. Semantics. The subconscious is a part of the Soul. Everyone's subconscious collectively constitutes the One Soul itself. Every lifetime sees the One Mind-Soul (universal mind) rise in consciousness or evolve, realizing our oneness more and more.
You will notice that quite often, you have one thought waring with another. This means your emotional body will also be conflict with itself, releasing chemicals into the body that puts the body under a lot of stress and anxiety. Should I or shouldn't I? Does he, or doesn't he? Will she, or won't she? One thought wants to, one doesn't. On and on the house divides itself with every thought, while also dividing itself from its own true Self that is eternal and infinite in the interim. At the moment you only know yourself as the vessel or form of consciousness. And you have mistaken it to be your true identity. It is not. And a part of you know it is not and has always known. However, you have never known what or who you ar. You look and look for your true Self, in a career, in other people, in things - all the things of the world but you do not find it for your true Self is formless and cannot be found with either the senses or the thinking mind.
If your conscious mind (thought) is in conflict with itself (other thoughts), as well as the subconscious mind (feeling) then your physical life will reflect this mental conflict in a variety of chaotic scenarios in one's physical reality. For example, an argument you are having with a friend could be a reflection of an argument you are having within yourself. Or the self-disgust you judge yourself with could be played out being disgusted with someone around you. Everyone or thing in your consciousness IS you playing many parts. It cannot be any other way. There is only ONE consciousness being Awareness. There is only One I am. This is why it is good to exercise compassion and passion for life. Why one must seek always in all ways to understand.
All of us have fallen subject to the egoic mind that has turned us all into devils one way or another. It is not our real Self any more than it is anyone else. Understand this! Forgive this! The devil which is lived spelt backwards just as live is evil spelled backwards is merely the inverted Christ - the true Self which has forgotten itself. When we do not know ourselves as Spirit, we become wild beasts that have forgotten their nature giving rise to all sorts of cruelty and perversions. The animals of the world are always one with nature which is love. When they kill each other for survival it is done in love for love has many faces. They never take it personally for they have no sense of separation from the whole. They simply live life as life. As part of life not apart from it as we do. We think we have a life within life. That is not true. We do not have a life. We are life. Our higher intelligence and capacity for love if we are Self-Realised gives us dominion over this world. If we are not Self-Realized, we will destroy it. This is clearly evident.
This is why it is important to keep the mind single and intuitively guided. When there is only one thought, your house or your temple cannot divide itself. The emotional body which Eckhart Tolle calls the pain body cannot be formed if the mind stays meditative (singular). It cannot go to war with itself causing dis- ease either within itself or the world at large. However, it is too late in most cases. The emotional body is already in pain from this life alone, so it is imperative first to heal or purify the subconscious by addressing past wounds and releasing them. The more we do this the light and healthier we become. This is preparing the Temple. Sometimes shadow work (counselling etc) is sometimes necessary. Not always. What we are trying to do here is settle and relax the mind. Relaxation is KEY to Spiritual work. I cannot stress that enough.
Once the subconscious has been cleansed of its impurities aka false thoughts and emotions and has settled down into a peaceful and meditative state that is one-pointed and relaxed it enters a state of peace that is contusive to merging with the peace and love of the Soul which is guided by our true Intelligence as Spirit aka Consciousness - our true Consciousness. Not the vessel consciousness which we mistake for it.
The conscious mind sits in the subconscious and the subconscious sits in the Soul with the Soul sits in Spirit like Russian dolls They are all in alignment as ONE with each other. Do you see? I am that I am is all in alignment. It is not if the I of the conscious mind has risen out of its temple into thought, where it causes its own Soul to work against the true ONE soul. The only way to see clearly (clairvoyantly) if you do not is to allow the conscious mind which is thought to sit in the present moment that is one with the Awareness of the subconscious, so that it expands. As vessel consciousness aka mind-Soul, expands ever deeper into itself the true Soul and Spirit are revealed. This is how the eternal Self is realized.
~ Tracy Pierce