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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


The ONLY constant in your life is your experience of 'I am'. You will know yourself as 'I am' in both life and death. In every state of consciousness from waking, to sleeping, to dreaming, to insanity, to reality, to I am thinking, or I am being - to whatever conscious state held I- 'I am' that. 'I am' sleeping. 'I am' dreaming. I am 'insane'. I am a rock. I am now. I am drugged. I am hypnotised. I am no thing at all. I am always in all ways. Always the one remaining constant is "I am" - the name of EVERY single person on earth with no exception. If you were to ask anyone anywhere at any time, who you are, they would you start with 'I am" before they add the 'that'. You will never be able to say I am not, even when there is no physical or mental body to be your 'that'. All you can say is either "I am" or "I am that". Never can you say, "I am not". The I am, you are, is eternal. It is the door to your true Self - your true and eternal I am that must be experienced beyond theory aka thinking.

Your sense of I am-ness comes from your Inner I. You very Presence of Being. Your Inner I is your Conscious Mind. You use it to create thought - to create life with in the physical. To think with. Unfortunately, this is the wrong use of mind. This is the egoic state, that creates life from the dimension of the mental realm due to being unconscious of itself Spiritually. This is living a half-life, a life of unreality in the same way, a man would be if he were lying in bed all day not moving because he didn't realize he had a body. It truly is this debilitating in principle. The egoic mindset will cause anyone to suffer.

The Inner I must be still and quiescent, intuitively receptive, and extremely relaxed in its service of your true Self - your true identity as the Unmanifest Alpha - expressing itself in the Omega (Effect) in and as infinite and eternal forms. One cannot receive their daily bread, if they are absent in their Temple (Present Moment Awareness) due to being present in their thoughts. They are giving life to their thoughts in the physical, rather than the intuitive guidance given to them in and of Spirit within their temple.

Life created by the mental realm as opposed to the Spiritual Realm is aptly displayed in today's world. One day you have it, the next day you don't: life, health, wealth, love, peace etc. Or others have it all, while some have none. Dual minded creatures living in separation from one another because they are living in separation from their Source, - their Cause - their reason for Being. We are a house divided against each other because we are a house divided against ourselves. Effect (Mind/body) is living a life separate life to that of its very own Cause - Spirit. Misaligned - fallen from Grace, life becomes chaotic.

The perfect world has already been created and is waiting to be revealed (there is no such thing as time) through the consciousness of mind that surrenders to Life living itself. Once the I am of mind settles down into a state of being Present Moment Awareness, the delusions (maya) within illusion (effect) start to fade and fall away revealing the perfect creation of the Alpha (Cause/Spirit) working through Omega (Effect/Mind/body). The only reason we are not living our perfect life right now is because the mind, believing it is responsible for creating life due to its ignorance of Spirit, is superimposing its thoughts onto the Spiritual light flowing through the mind, causing distortions in our physical reality. These thoughts are like those hand puppets you hold up in the light, so they make shapes on the wall. These thoughts distort our physical reality - which is not reality at all.

No physical Effect is reality because it is not constant. There is only ONE constant and if you want true peace - the peace that passes all understanding - an eternal peace, then you must come to know Thy Self as I am beyond the minds I am. The only way to do that is to stay in yourself sense I am-ness that is always in all ways NOW. In other words, become conscious of yourself as Awareness or in other words again - stay as deeply present in the moment by staying out of thought as you can and soon you will stop being in the moment and become the moment itself. Two becomes One or put another way - the dissipation of illusion reveals reality.

All you have to do is focus and be in this I am-ness - all the time - and your I am-ness will deepen and expand to reveal realms of being you never knew existed, changing your whole understanding of reality. It's sort of like having lived in a warehouse for 10 years with only one small light in the corner of the huge building when all of a sudden one light starts coming on after another - changing your reality but not changing it.....all of a sudden you can see the extra in the ordinary and life begins making sense.

When you have dissolved into Life living itself - you are inspired and moved - you are Effortless Awareness. I am now and for all time.

~ Tracy Pierce

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