You as Spirit or Cause - whatever name you prefer, have projected yourself into a mirror image of yourself. I Am/mA I.
Because this image aka mind, which you have projected Thy Self into has a lot of dust (thoughts, beliefs, concepts, etc) you cannot reflect nor see your true Self, therefore, have mistaken Thy Self for being the mind/body. You as Awareness, through identifying as mind/ body thereby limit Thy demonstrations and manifestations to that of the mental realm which is nothing but duality and limitation. This is opposed to creating from the omniscience and omnipotence of Soul (Am) being Spirit (I).
It is only as the mind clears, through purification, and inactivity that it settles down into stillness and quiescent state that reflects and absorbs the true Self, allowing one to remember itself in and of Soul being Spirit.
(Ps) notice how the Souls [vessel/true Soul] are back to back as a mirror image? The Subconscious/Vessel is the door to One's true Self as the I. The subconscious is the door through which the two I's merge as One. The Subconscious is the Son's part of the 'Present Moment". This is noteworthy
~ Tracy Pierce