Do not cast your pearls before swine. The creation of a pearl is spoiled if the shell is opened before it is formed. Allow this pearl to form within and as you without looking for validation from those who would not understand. It is foolish to heed criticism from those you would not go to for advice.
One must fall before they rise. Allow the tempering of your Soul to take place under the guise of suffering for the death of ego is never pretty and never easy. Do not think your suffering is for nothing. Allow your suffering to teach you what you must learn in order to become a pearl of great price. Pressure is what makes a pearl shine.
Do not give advice unless it is asked for. Unless invited into a house, the door will remain closed no matter how hard you knock.
Do not interfere in someone else's relationship with Truth unless interference is asked for as the intrapersonal relationship is the most sacred and sacrosanct relationship anyone will ever have. Honour this relationship in others if you want this relationship honoured yourself.
The door to receiving is opened by giving. Give what you want to receive. The illusion of separation is just that - an illusion.
Everyone is a pearl of great price in the making just like you, have patience and be supportive. Do not judge if you do not want to be judged yourself. Remember every thought is a judgment.
Love is loves reward - John Dryden
~ Tracy Pierce