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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


Let mindfulness and meditation become a way of living, a way of being. Let them become a lifestyle. Not something you do now and again to improve your egoic life.

Before anything can be manifested in the physical realm in either your body or the body of the world, it must first be held as true in the mental realm long enough for the subconscious to accept it as true.

It takes approximately three months for the subconscious to take whatever the conscious mind has impregnated it with to create a new a pattern (neural network) so that living a new mindset and behaviour or way of being, becomes effortless, with less personal will needed. In time the will of the subconscious/present moment awareness, will merge with the will of the ONE Soul and living such a way will be effortless.

Moreover, the quieter or less active our mind becomes and the less attention we give to personal thought, the more attention we give to being awareness. Awareness being another word for present moment/Soul. When one knows thy Self, they know the whole world.

So, consistency is the key. If you are just starting off on the road less travelled, then be mindful or practice mindfulness when it comes to mind. In other words when Awareness reminds you to stay present. This is the calling of the Soul.

Staying conscious is not easy. One moment you will be staying in the present - in the Now, noticing everything around you while receptive to what is coming to you from within, when suddenly you realize, forty minutes have passed with you being caught up in thought. It like falling asleep. You don't realize you have fallen asleep until you wake up hours later.

Practicing meditation means becoming conscious of being Awareness. This entails the cessation of incessant thinking. Until you pull your consciousness out of thoughts, your consciousness will not be free to realize deeper aspects of your being. Practice meditation for ten seconds on the hour every hour or alternatively, ten seconds every three hours and build from there. Ten seconds initially is a long time to be without thought. Now remember the only way to stop thinking is by keeping your focus in the Now. Notice the sounds, the smells, the movement of the moment without judging (taking thought) in any way. While doing this expect to be guided intuitively somehow in some way, as your mind is free and open.

Remember the present moment is actually your true and FULL body, so rely on it to speak to you through synchronicity and serendipity. Also expect to just 'know' what to do, be and say in any given moment. You will be guided by much higher and profound aspects of your being, beyond thinking, that heretofore you never knew existed.

You will reach your destination. I know this because you already have. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You just 'think' you haven’t, and this thinking is holding up an illusion of separatism. As soon as thinking stops which it invariably will, you will realize this too. Then you will smile, from the inside out.

That's the odd thing about Self-Realization; On arriving home you realize you never even left.

Those Who Flow as Life Flows Know They Need No Other Force. ~ Lao Tzu / Laozi (604 - 531)

~ Tracy Pierce

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