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Writer's picture: Tracy PierceTracy Pierce

The true key to Self-Realization is love. People spend years & years disciplining the conscious mind to be still and focused in meditation, while forgetting all about the subconscious which is all heart and awareness. Moreover, it is 95% of the mind. The subconscious responds to the meditative conscious mind with love and warmth after it has been allowed to heal from the trauma visited upon it by the egoic state of mind. After suppressed emotion has been brought into the light of the conscious mind, it can begin to heal. To the divided mind, to the mind with copious thoughts that war with each other, the emotional body responds to this division, to this conflict with anxiety and stress forming core beliefs and habits that do anything but serve us. Therefore, let your heart lead the way in meditation. Give it the fulfilment it needs to rest in peace.

Emotion that is not expressed but repressed, will damage the body. Emotion - motion, propels the body to move. If the conscious mind inhibits this movement by supressing it, emotion will turn in on itself causing the body to be ill at ease, forming a disease of some type. If your heart wants to cry in the moment, let it cry, if it wants to smile, let it smile. Let your heart be in the moment and your mind will have no choice but to follow, giving it reasonable direction - soothing the emotional body that Eckhart Tolle calls the pain body. The conscious mind will have no choice but to make sense of these emotions that at one point were too painful to bear. This is how we heal the emotional body. By giving it 'reasonable' expression. Emotions are the daughters of the Soul which is love. Once you give emotion room to move, and express themselves, they will enlighten the conscious mind which will in turn make sense of them, allowing the mind as a whole to rest in peace. Moreover, after healing has taken place, they will move you towards the most loving moments you can imagine. That’s all the heart ever asks for; to fulfil itself.

Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself - Kahlil Gibran

The conscious mind will never stay where the subconscious aka heart is not present for long. Love is the reason we, as the conscious mind, stay anywhere. One will not stay in a moment in which there is no love, peace, or rest. Therefore, give the heart rest by giving it expression. Nor can the mind make any progress in the physical world, without the heart which provides motion (e- motion). Therefore, the next time you practice meditation do not do it from the head. Keep your sense of existence or presence of being in the heart region - in the chest and FEEL your meditation. Feel being present in the moment. It is the heart that keeps the mind steady and quiescent. It is your heart or subconscious that the mind must lose itself in for the heart is ever present. It is always now. The heart is Awareness and Awareness is Soul. The Soul is NOW. The subconscious is part of the Soul we are already mildly conscious of. It is the door to the Superconscious. When present in it, our consciousness expands to realize ourselves more fully as Awareness, as Soul.

The heart is the only reality. The mind is only a transient phase. To remain as one' self is to enter the heart. To enter the heart means to remain without distractions - Sri Ramana Maharshi.

The conscious mind aka thought itself, must remain as one thought (meditative) if it is to stay present in the heart or subconscious for the heart is always in the present moment. If the mind rises in thought as thought, it rises outside of the moment, outside the heart, outside its own Soul. It rises into illusion or maya. It chooses imagination rather than reality.

The conscious mind aka thought will never stay long in a place there is no love. Therefore, stay present, address, and heal the suppressed emotions that rise and in doing so, you will then love the moment you are in. Love is your true nature. When there is nothing there to inhibit this expression, your true nature will shine through. One must bring the conscious and subconscious minds together to work as One. The more familiar you become with the moment, the more you will love it. Find your true Self as Awareness, as Soul, in your heart that IS the moment. Be the presence in the Present.

~ Tracy Pierce

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