Thought should be given through holding a still meditative mind.
Thought should never be taken, created or conjured from the mind itself.
The mind was designed to reveal the truth through receiving intuition(Tuition from within) from Cause aka Spirit with the right mind, then processing this intuition through the logic and reason with the left mind which in turn passes it over to the Subconscious which manifests the formed image or blueprint out into the physical world.
Hence why Jesus told Peter to cast his net on the right side of the boat. Note fishes in the bible is symbolic for thoughts. So Jesus, was using his right mind (As all the disciples in the bible are actually his vasanas (Core beliefs) within the Subconscious of Jesus to be still and quiescent (Listen inwardly) for intuition from the true Self as Spirit which in turn guides the left mind and Subconscious.
"Live your life by inspiration and let your whole life be a revelation" - Eileen Caddy
~ Tracy Pierce