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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


The True Self can never be known by the thinking mind, for the simple reason our true Self, aka Consciousness, has no form, therefore beyond the minds limited capacity to grasp intellectually. To this day, the world really has no clue whatsoever as to what Consciousness is, where it is and why it is even though we all agree it constitutes our existence. This is because we have been looking for the truth of our beingness - our existence through the act of thinking. Of course, this is impossible as the very definition of being is the absence of thinking.

The thinking mind IS the actual veil obscuring our ability to know Thy true and eternal Self. So long as our Consciousness is attending the thoughts and feelings it generates and attracts from the ether, it is absent in the very Temple of Awareness (Soul) where higher dimensions of its being are realized. Awareness is the essence of being. Thoughts and feelings generated by the Vessel Consciousness aka mind distract one's attention, from attending and giving life to its own Incarnate Mind-Soul that lives within, beyond the thoughts and feelings veiling it.

This inability to know Awareness - our own true body as Soul, is because the mind as Consciousness is not present in the Awareness of the moment where one's Soul is realized and made conscious. Instead, it is present in its thoughts, feelings and the manifestations of them. One's Consciousness of mind cannot be given to both thought and Soul at the same time. One's attention cannot be in two places at once. One is either giving their attention to their thoughts, feelings and their manifestations, or one is giving their attention to the Soul by keeping the mind still in a state of being.

When the Minds Consciousness/attention is given to Soul, one's mind Consciousness is held still to marinate within itself causing it to expand within itself, discovering deeper dimensions of being that until now where never realized. Consciousness cannot expand into these dimensions of being when it is continually rising in the creation of thought.

The sensory mind, from which we gather all information, can only know form. If an existence of any type has no form, (such as Consciousness) then to the mind unaware, it simply does not exist. At least not until new instruments are invented that give the senses more scope in allowing us to become conscious of that which was before was unconscious or hidden from us.

However, a lack of consciousness or inability to see, does not mean something does not exist or that it is not real. This is clearly demonstrated every year with new discoveries, that were always there, we were just never conscious of them. This lack of consciousness is also demonstrated when a person agrees to be hypnotised so that their Conscious Mind can access the Awareness of the Subconscious which notices everything, thereby becoming conscious of what one is aware of but not conscious of. Perversely we are aware we are conscious; however, we are not always conscious of being awareness. In other words, the mind is conscious of being Consciousness, but is not conscious of being Awareness. It is not conscious of its own Soul as Present Moment Awareness in any capacity or at any level.

This is unfortunate as Mind Consciousness, which we use to think and create the world with, is not our true and eternal Consciousness which is omniscient. It is Vessel Consciousness - a container which was created as a ride for our true and eternal Consciousness that is accessed through Awareness aka Soul. A Soul we rarely give attention too due to the fact our attention is usually lost to thoughts we create. However, when we do get to the point, we want to know our own Soul, we will adopt a 'Being Mind' rather than a thinking mind, for this is the only way to know the Soul.

Our subconscious awareness, the present moment and the Incarnate Soul are all differentiations of the One true and eternal Soul which is the body of our true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit.

The Soul is experienced on different levels of being once we decide to be still mentally and realize it. We first come to know our Soul aka Awareness through our Subconscious Awareness that IS always Now. It is always sitting in the Now as it is the Now. The Subconscious is not a thinker, but a doer that is felt. By keeping the Conscious mind aka attention or thought, in the present moment with and as the Subconscious, we marry our attention as thought with our awareness of Soul. By being present with our attention in the Now, we become Present Moment Awareness itself. Through connecting the Conscious and Subconscious minds (Attention and Awareness) we become a Temple which connects the Consciousness of mind with the Consciousness of Spirit.

As our Consciousness expands through being Present Moment Awareness, it begins to know itself beyond the physical as the Incarnate Mind-Soul that holds its purpose and intentions for this lifetime. The Incarnate Mind-Soul is the 'seemingly formless' vessel of your true self as Spirit (I) being Soul (Am) that is 100% formless - unmanifest and eternal. Every lifetime this 'I am vessel' is shaped more and more in the likeness of its true Self - the true I AM that is Spirit being Soul.

You are not conscious of a lot of things going on in the subconscious. You are not conscious of your own Incarnate Soul which you will embody upon death, nor are you conscious of your own incarnate Soul being the Vessel for the One true Soul (Am) being Spirit (I). You are not conscious of so many things, yet they exist. Just like none of us, until a few short years ago were not conscious of the Higgs boson particle - yet it always existed. Not all you are conscious of, is all there is.

It is clearly seen and understood then that the Mind-Consciousness, is not able to detect or know its own Spiritual Consciousness, which is found in our Awareness of being present as the Presence. This is due to the limited and ignorant way the mind is used, which relies upon the thinking mind, the left brain which uses logic and reason to process information from the outer physical world as opposed to relying upon the being mind that uses the intuition of the right brain to bring forth new knowledge for the left brain to analyse and process. The thinking mind takes the hard road, living from the outside in. The Being mind takes the road less travelled whereby it lives from the Inside out. The being mind is led by one's Spiritual Consciousness whereas the thinking mind is led by the Vessel's aka Mind Consciousness.

Remember there are many different levels and degrees of Consciousness (Spirit) and Awareness (Soul). As far as Mind Consciousness is concerned, there is sleeping consciousness, waking consciousness, consciousness in meditation, or a different state of consciousness from being under the influence of drugs etc. There is vessel Consciousness which is temporary (Temple) and then there is our true and eternal Consciousness we call our true Self. In regard to Awareness which is the body or activity of either Mind or our true Consciousness, we have the awareness of the subconscious, the awareness of the Incarnate Soul and the Awareness of the One true and eternal Soul all of which constitute the Present Moment.

The Eternal Soul aka Awareness sits in the Eternal Spirit (Consciousness but the temporary Incarnate Mind-Soul sits in the Soul. Hence why the only way for the Son Consciousness (Incarnate Mind-Soul) to meet the Father Consciousness (Spiritual Consciousness) is through the mother or Soul. This is why it is so important to stop giving your presence or attention to imaginary thoughts etc and to stay in the moment (Soul) as Present Moment Awareness.

To summarize and conclude, it is not with the senses, nor the favoured lower mind seen through the use of reason and logic, that the true Self is known. It is not with the thinking mind. It is with the Being mind that is ever present as Presence Moment Awareness that the true and eternal Self is realized. The false sense of Self aka Ego dies once one aborts the thinking mind and adopts the Being mind which brings with it, Spiritual vision. One's inner "I" which is a combination of the conscious and subconscious minds working together as one, receives intuition through the differentiations of Soul from Spirit, allowing the physical body to be guided by the Consciousness of Spirit rather than the limiting Consciousness of a mind that is cut off from itself Spiritually. From this moment on. One identifies experientially as Spirit flowing through a personality rather than identifying as a personality unconscious of itself as Spirit.

~ Tracy Pierce

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