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Writer's picture: Tracy PierceTracy Pierce

The Self Aka the Alpha, looking outwards through the Omega, as an ego - as an individual steeped in illusion, one believes one has a life and will of their own so act accordingly, resisting the will and natural flow of the Present Moment which one in their natural state of Being, would be one with, if one had the insight to look behind one in meditation/mindfulness, instead of outward. This is the difference between the ego and the Self. The ego looks outwards identifying AS mind, while the Self looks inwards identifying as the Self. Due to looking outwards as the Ego, one separates one's Self from not only Grace Aka spiritual alignment but also his brothers and sisters in the mental and physical realms, for when one falls from Grace, they lose their spiritual vision becoming blind to one Self Spiritually, while seeing separation where there is in truth only unity. In other words, one falls into Maya, into an illusion they are in the moment rather than being the moment or they have a life rather than Being life itself. The Egos vision becomes tunnelled within the limitations of form, rather than being present with the Lord (true Self), while absent from the body so to speak.

But we are confident and have a good will to be absent rather from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8

The true Self, conscious OF the mind, rather than conscious AS the mind, therefore, is not subject to mind, but Master of It, through the realization and reidentification of its true Self Spiritually, once again coming under Grace as the One life living itself, knowing there is only the will of the One. When the wave stops seeing itself as separate to the sea, is flows with its current, rather than resisting it with a will (Current) of its own. The mind cannot master itself as any addict will tell you, however Spirit can.

The Ego, under the illusion it has a separate life to Life itself, with a will of its own that resists the will of the ONE, causes it to suffer Karma, which is one of the Self's natural laws that maintains balance and harmony, just as certain laws and principles maintain homoeostasis for the body and universe.

Once one has risen in consciousness through Self-Realization, one lives impersonally through the personal while living the will of the One. If one has a personal sense of self, then they will have a will of their own which resists the will of the One, which of course is termed as living in separation as a dual minded creature. This is why Jesus said to resist not.

Karma is the natural law or principle of the Soul (Just like the body has) that keeps the whole in balance. It is never personal for it is the work of the One which is always impersonal. However, due to being so exact and detailed it feels personal to the Ego even though it is not.

So, one has a choice, or perhaps more aptly stated, one has the illusion of choice and will suffer the delusion of illusion until one realizes one is in illusion with no will of one's own, for what you 'think' you are, you are not. The Ego always is always causing suffering due to resisting the Will of ONE will with the illusion of a separate will that is personal. This is because one is only conscious of a personal self, (Identified with form) due to the veiling of the Impersonal. When I say delusion of illusion what I mean by this is anything that is temporary is illusion. What comes and goes is Maya. However, this illusion is pure and necessary for life - it is the Omega (Form) of the Alpha (Formless) - it is the last 'I am' of I am that I am. I am Spirit/Soul that I am mind. Delusion within illusion is maya. It is forgetting we are dreaming. Self-Realization then is lucid dreaming. We want to stay in the dream while knowing we are dreaming. Leaving it, means we no longer desire to dream at all hence reincarnate.

So, do we really have free choice? Yes, of a sort, as Spirit, but no as mind cut off from Spirit like a branch from the vine. The mind is insentient in the same way the body is. It will respond to intelligence but has no intelligence of its own. One as an Ego can choose to go their own way but I as life will make one suffer badly for it, for if you are not with me, you are against thee. In truth, for the Ego, there is no real choice for life will beat you down until you merge with and as it. You can count on that and take my word for it. No one I have met anyway is stronger willed than I am, yet Life left me bloody and bleeding on the highway to Hell - limp and broken but as Leonard Cohen points out, the crack is where the light gets in. So yes, one has the illusion of choice or free will to resist the ONE, but will pay dearly for it, creating more karma and suffering for yourself and others, as if there were really others.

Bear in mind however even this suffering and karma is a delusion within illusion because the idea of you as a separate being from life is deluded. The true creation of the world has already been established. As soon as the Self is realized, the delusion within illusion dissipates, revealing creation as it truly is.

Every lifetime is about building and purifying the Temple not made with hands so that the true Self as Spirit is expressed in and as the flesh. Life is a Spiritual dream always in all ways becoming what one is Being. Every time you assert a will of our own separate to the will of the One, through ignorance, you distort, delay and destroy the demonstration and manifestation of pure light that is the One true Soul flowing through the mind. If the mind stops resisting the flow of the One through Self-realization, one allows the Spirit of Soul to reveal creation that has already been established and deemed 'Good' as the seven days in the bible depict along with a lot of other spiritual texts depicting the same principles. If the Alpha identifies as the Omega, it will feel like it is always in a state of becoming for that is the nature of the Omega - always becoming.

If realization has been established, the Alpha knows thy Self to be in a state of being that is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. “I am the Alpha (Unmanifest) and the Omega (Manifest), the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End" - Revelation 22:13

~ Love Tracy

(Here is a video by great Sri Ramana Maharshi concerning Karma, freewill and destiny that I highly advocate listening too )

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