(The truth of homosexuality)
Understand Being in the moment does not equate to thinking what you believe to be ‘right’ or positive thoughts, for it doesn't really matter if thoughts are positive or negative. If they originate from Mind Consciousness misaligned with Spiritual Consciousness, they are egoic whether they are good thoughts or bad thoughts. If thought Aka Mind-Consciousness is not held singular as One thought of 'Awareness', then you are no longer conscious - you are dreaming - you are in illusion or maya. You are disconnected to your Source, and this is why...
The thinking mind dreams in maya, the Being mind is awake and in reality. You are conscious, because Mind- Consciousness IS thought, but you are not aware when in the Egoic state. Awareness is always Soul (Yin). Consciousness is always Spirit (Yang).
If you as thought Aka Mind-Consciousness (Yang/male) is present in yourself as thought (Yang/male), then you are absent in Awareness (Yin/female) Aka your own Soul as well as the true and eternal Soul (Yin/Female).
Alternatively, if you as Mind Consciousness (Yang/male) is present in both the Awareness of your own Soul (Subconscious/Yin/female) and the true eternal Soul (Yin/female) which is directed by Spiritual Consciousness (Yang/male) then you are aligned with all dimensions of Thy Being and are creating life. Bear in mind the Law of Gender here. It takes both male and female to create life. Male and male cannot do it - it can only create the illusion of Life - Maya and this is what the thinking mind does. It as male rises in itself as male, rather than the female Soul by staying still and Present in the moment.
If you as Mind-Consciousness (Yang/male) are present in your own thoughts (Yang/male), then you are disconnected to your Soul which is directed by your true Source as Spiritual Consciousness. Therefore, you are misaligned - disconnected to your Source. It is only through the Mother (Soul) that the Son (Mind Consciousness) and the Father (Spiritual Consciousness) can meet. Likewise on earth. The mother knows the baby before the Father does as she carries it in her womb. Likewise, again with Spirit. The Son sits in the Womb of the One eternal Soul that is the body of Spiritual Consciousness.
Therefore, if Mind Consciousness rises in itself disconnects itself from its true Self while defiling its own Soul (Subconscious/Human Soul) which in turn will give birth to an abomination such as duality and separation, sickness, and poverty etc. This is why the bible speaks of homosexuality as being detestable sin. It has nothing to do with relationships between men and women in the physical world. As if any God would condemn any kind of sincere and authentic love between two men or two women! No! Homosexual love on earth is as beautiful and right as heterosexual love. The homosexual passages in the bible have nothing to do with the beauty and truth in homosexual relationships on the earth plane at all. These passages have to do with the Consciousness mind rising in itself in the act of thinking, for such an act gives birth to false images born of Mind-Consciousness rather than inspired by Spiritual-Consciousness working through Mind-Consciousness.
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." - Leviticus 18:22
"If a man (Consciousness or Spirit) lies with a male (Consciousness) as with a woman, (Awareness or Soul) both of them have committed an abomination; (Created ill health, death, war etc) they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them." Chapter 20 verse 13. - Leviticus 20
In order to realign with Spiritual-Consciousness as Mind-Consciousness, you must first realize you are not the mind nor are you a product of it. Meaning thought (images) created by the ego are false images therefore give birth to false manifestations such as sickness, war, poverty etc. These are false images created by a mind that has no awareness of its truth or true Self, therefore cannot create nor demonstrate what is true. Only what is false.
Once the mind knows itself to be Spirit it will create from the Spiritual realm. This is why we must first die of ourselves (ego) and be born again of Spirit. Understand now that this is an experience. Not some theoretical understanding whereby one questions, am I enlightened or not? If you have truly awoken, you will never have to question it. You will know without a doubt. Doubt belongs to Mind-Consciousness only.
Self-realization is a direct sense of being One with all Being. Your mind knows and feels when its master is present. The mind that does not know its masters voice (your true Self) will not serve Spirit but itself.
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand" - John.10
If you are not sure if Spirit is on the scene or not, then it is not. There will be no doubt whatsoever when you are fully aligned with the fullness of your being. You will 100% know and live by knowing, by Faith that is given to you moment to moment as you need it.
The process of awakening does not usually happen overnight. It comes in waves that recede and come forth again until you are stable in the truth of your being which eventually happens. It could take a couple of months, a couple of years or lifetimes depending. However, if you are conscious of wanting to awaken it is generally only months or perhaps years.
When you do awaken to your true Self, you will not worry anymore for you know you are under Grace and cared for by and as Spirit. You will live in the moment knowing this is your point of power. You will be deeply relaxed and at peace with yourself and all being, treating life as a movie, irrespective of the genre, unattached to the outcome. At this point one cannot fall asleep again.
~ Love Tracy
