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If you want to live joyfully - if you want to live fully, you got to start getting romantic with life. With each and every moment. You have to get up close and personal and intimate with the Now. The Now is not a measurement of time. It is your very own Soul - and everyone else's. You got to love every minute of your being. You got to give your heart to every moment you are in, being as present as you are consciously able. In order to stay in the moment, one must keep their mind always with the body being Aware of life without judging it. I say without judging it, as the Conscious Mind, which is what we use to think with, cannot be in two places at once. It is either in its own thoughts or it is in its own Soul aka the present moment.

Your attention cannot be in two places at once. Either you are in your thoughts, or you are in your Temple which constitutes, the Subconscious (Human Soul) and the true eternal Soul that animates life. Both of course being the Present Moment itself. Bear in mind, as the Lamp of the world, whatever you give attention to, you give life to in the physical.

The Present Moment is the way back to your true 'Self'. The Self not created by mind but Spirit. It is the only sure way to keep your Conscious Mind (I) on and in the NOW Aka Soul (Am). The mind is used to being super busy thinking. It's going to get seriously bored if it has to stay in one place. Particularly if its other half Aka its heart (Emotional body) is not there. So, understand now, that love is the secret to perfecting meditation Aka Present Moment Awareness. The Conscious Mind (thought) and Subconscious (Human Soul) must stay together as One. In other words, the Conscious Mind, which you use to think with must stay in its Temple which is the Subconscious. If the Conscious Mind starts thinking, it rises out of its Temple which is the ONLY place it can receive intuition from Spirit.

If you were somewhere with someone you have always wanted to spend time with - you are going to be absolutely present - guaranteed. Imagine you are with your lover right now - would you not be deeply present? Would not your whole being, be there? Would not your mind and heart be with your body in that very moment? This is the level of commitment needed for self-realization.

“And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, (subconscious) and with all thy soul, (present moment) and with all thy mind, (Spirit or thought) and with all thy strength; (body) this is the first commandment" - Mark 12:30-31.

The mind cannot be at peace if its Subconscious which contains the emotional body has not been healed of its fallacious emotional habits and core beliefs, left over from the egoic state of mind, either in this lifetime or other lifetimes. The Subconscious Aka Human Soul is healed by becoming Conscious of feelings and emotions one has suppressed due to the pain of experiencing them at the time. True meditation cannot take place until the two minds work as one. Therefore, the healing of our Temple is the beginning of our meditative practice. The mind follows the heart everywhere. The heart seeks direction in thought and thought seeks fulfilment of the heart. Where the (Subconscious Awareness) female aspect of mind goes, he - the male aspect of mind (consciousness) is sure to follow. This is the secret to meditation. One must come to love it, or the mind will not stay put and will become lost in its own thoughts of love rather than love itself.

Together the Conscious and Subconscious minds are whole and a perfect channel that rests in the peace of the one eternal Soul Aka Awareness, awaiting tuition from within. The Present Moment is the portal if you like, to other dimensions. Once we have pulled ourselves together as the Conscious Mind present and accounted for in the Human Soul (Aka Instrument of Peace), we met our true and eternal Soul through and AS present moment Awareness. Our consciousness begins to expand realizing deeper dimensions of being rather than being lost in Egoic thinking. Once again, the Spirit comes together as One with the Soul as it expands ever inwards becoming more conscious of its own Awareness, its own Soul that is one with all other Spiritual beings. Can you see how the male and female aspects of our Being multidimensionally are aligning through coming together as One? This is Grace. When all aspects of our Being are aligned, we are said to be under Grace. In fact, we are Grace itself.

With this understanding, therefore, consciously keep your mind, (Attention), heart, (Awareness) and body - all aspects of your being, in and as the moment - which is also your being. Keeping a deep conscious awareness of being or presence and you will find the true Self, guiding you intuitively with a synchronistic, serendipity. Awareness is omniscient - all knowing so understand that when you are consciously one with the Awareness of the Now, so are you, you will be guided by that which is omniscient rather than limited like the mind. The mind is limited but the Spirit is omniscient.

When you come home to yourself - in that moment, you understand the flow of now. You don't create each moment, rather, as mind you reveal it. It unfolds from within you, until one day, you stop being present in the moment and become the presence of it. Synchronicity, serendipity, bliss -and joy - are all the fruits of Spirit. Spirit that is aligned with all aspects of being NOW. Life lives itself once you take the 'personal' out of it. Once you stop trying to create life with your mind, the mind instead will reveal it.

This is how you as reflected Consciousness - I am is the reflection of I AM (I am that I am), expands in awareness that in turn leads one to their true Intelligence, their true Consciousness that embodies the Soul aka Awareness. You fall in love with being in the moment just as it is, just as you are, no matter what anyone thinks, including yourself.

Treat the moment as you would your most cherished lover; be fully present, without conditions or expectations of perfection. Just happy to share the Now - whatever it is - with him or her. This is how you love. This is how you live.

No matter where you go or what you do, be in love – Rumi

~ Love Tracy

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