Remember you, as Awareness Aka Soul, are conscious of the mind; you are not conscious AS the mind. The minute you start thinking AS mind - in other words, the minute you as Spirit start identifying AS the Mind, rather than having a mind as an instrument of Being - all our problems begin. We limit ourselves to the consciousness of Mind, which of course has an expiry date, causing us to fear one day not existing, among many other delusions of Mind that resist life rather than reveal life.
You can watch yourself think because you are not the mind. The question is, are the thoughts that you are watching (as Soul), conscious of you watching them? Does the mind have a life and consciousness of itself? No of course not. There is only ONE Consciousness (I) being Awareness (Am). Your Awareness (Soul) of self (Spirit) is reflected in the mind/body but is not of them. In the same way, the image in the mirror is a reflection of you but it is not the real you. I could throw a rock at the mirror and shatter the image, yet it would not affect real I am (You) that created the image.
You as the Unmanifest I am are appearing as an image, even though you are not that image. Your consciousness is in this image but is not the image. You are in the world but not of it. If as Spirit, you identify as the Consciousness of Mind you will personify it. You will imagine you are living in a body rather than having this body (along with all other bodies) living within you as Life itself Aka Pure Consciousness.
The consciousness of mind is not sentient - it is an instrument - a vessel - a reflection or image that comes to life the minute you as Spiritual Consciousness give your attention to it. The mind will rise in thought the minute it has your attention as Spirit. You have given it life.
The mind can only move with the intelligence of Spiritual Consciousness behind it because you as Spirit are giving it your Life - your consciousness - your attention. The minute you take your attention away from the mind it stops thinking and becomes still. It cannot move without the activity of the Soul directed by the Light of Spirit. It is Spiritual Consciousness that upholds the mind and body - putting the beat in the heart, the breath in the lungs etc. Spirit lives its life as the activity of Soul living through the human Soul Aka Subconscious which is borne in its image. The Conscious Mind either stays within this Temple resting in its peace or it rises outside its Temple in unrest if in an egoic state that is defined as a Mind/body Unconscious, therefore misaligned with itself Spiritually.
The fallen Spirit, which some refer to as Localized Consciousness or the Holy Spirit which births the I of Mind, identifies for a time as the image of its creation - as the mind/body until this created form, takes on the likeness of its true Self as Spirit through being tempered and purified lifetime after lifetime by the Laws of Consciousness (See Hermetic principles). This allows the Spirit within to recognize itself in the clarity of no-mind. You could liken this evolutionary process of form (Not Spirit) to Michealangelo chipping away at a stab of stone until the reflection of an angel emerged, revealing the true nature of the artist to the artist, thereby liberating him from the confines of being stone.
Once you realize you are not the mind the true Self is realized or revealed. It was always there; it was just covered up under the maya of Mind. The true Self cannot be known in the way the thinking mind would know a sense object. The true Self can never be known by the thinking mind as the mind is not sentient beyond what the body is to the mind. The true Self can only be revealed through the clarity of no -mind or a still mind which reflects the true Self through knowing, rather than seeing. This 'Knowing' or Faith or Claircogniance, could be referred to as the sixth sense if you like. It is known through Faith Aka claircognizance or knowing which is a whole new faculty of being for the spiritual aspirant in the realization of Self beyond mind.
~ Love Tracy