Dis-ease manifests physically when the mind is ill at ease with itself. Before anything can manifest in our body or the body of the world it must first be accepted as true within the mind individually and/or collectively.
Understand that the health of the whole deeply impacts the health of the individual. To use a rather uncouth but apt analogy, when someone urinates in the pool, everyone is affected.
Emotion is the body's response to a thought just as Awareness is the activity of Consciousness or put another way, Soul is the body of Spirit.
Nothing can come into the physical world without passing through the mental realm. Your thoughts which originate from the Conscious Mind, as well as emotions originating within the Subconscious, are directly responsible for both your mental and physical health.
Quite often we have thoughts that oppose each other, which in turn elicit opposing emotions resulting in internal conflict and anxiety. All these emotions chemically bombard the body with hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol etc resulting in unnecessary wear and tear on our bodily systems such as our respiratory, cardiovascular, and digestive systems to name but a few. Moreover, if these emotions are not cleared from our system, if they are repressed and not dealt with, they will cause depression that chronically affects our mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Questions one needs to ask themselves are, is your Conscious Mind or thoughts at ease, resting in the emotional peace and awareness of Subconscious/Soul that constitutes the present moment? Or is it busy conjuring up thoughts and emotions taken from the mental realm to be experienced in the physical, while completely ignorant of its master aka true Self? The answer to these questions will be displayed physically in your body and in your lived experiences.
Ones thoughts can never be at peace until one's heart is. The heart is another word for subconscious where we store all of our emotional information and memory, as well as our core beliefs and emotional habit patterns inspired by years of living. It is prudent then to delve into the unconscious regions of the subconscious in order to understand what does hinder us. If we are ever going to bring ease to our body and worldly affairs, we must first ease our emotional body by whatever type of shadow work is necessary. Perhaps a psychologist, a hypnotherapist to delve into the depths of the subconscious, or perhaps just talking to a good friend who will act like a sounding board, allowing you to get out what was held in for a long time, so that you can bring peace to a situation you could not face before.
I have found that when one is committed to truly healing the mind and body, one will give up all activities and/or addictions that distract them from dealing with what they are trying to escape through self-medicating or self-soothing such as compulsive shopping, smoking marijuana, smoking cigarettes, drinking, gambling, watching copious amounts of TV, gaming, porn, over-eating, smoking crack, over-working - the list is endless in regards to the amount of things we use to distract ourselves from ourself. Bottom-line is we have to stop doing these behaviours so that whatever is causing the dis-ease in our minds and bodies can surface. Only then can we consciously deal with the pain we have been avoiding and release it, leaving us in an authentic emotional peace that allows the conscious mind to stay in the present moment where it is guided by itself Spiritually, rather than by a mind cut off from its Source, which of course only leads us astray.
Remember one can only truly meditate -meaning be deeply present in the moment as the Presence of it, when both the Conscious and Subconscious minds are at peace with themselves and each other. The Conscious Mind aka thought, will continue to rise out of the Subconscious/Present Moment until one's emotional body, which Eckhart Tolle refers to as the Pain Body, has found peace. You know yourself that you will not linger long where there is no peace, where you are feeling threatened or uncomfortable. This is why you distract yourself with copious measures from your emotional body.
There is nothing else for it. You must face your demons and lay them to rest if you are ever to rest within the moment. This is the only way true meditation can be experienced.
When one holds the whole mind in a meditative state that is contusive to aligning with ourselves Spiritually, only a single emotion arises within the subconscious from one's true and eternal Consciousness as Spirit flowing through it, and that emotion is love - peace, which inspires the Conscious mind to stay in the heart lovingly witnessing and giving life to one's higher purpose.
To hold the mind at peace means to hold the body and the world around you in peace.
~ Tracy Pierce