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I am that I am. I Spirit (Eternal Consciousness) Am Soul (Eternal Awareness) that I Conscious Mind ( Temporary Temple Consciousness Aka Thought) Am Subconscious Mind (Part of the Soul aka Awareness - felt)

Localized Consciousness aka Incarnate Soul or Instrument/Vehicle shines its light on a part of the Soul it knows calling it, its own. Of course, this is an illusion, as there is only One Soul, but it gives us a sense of an individual I. Everyone's Subconscious Mind is the Vessel for the totality of the One Soul.

Spirit (I) being Soul (Am) constitute the innately creative and basically nonconceptual true Self as One without differentiation. This is Cause. This is the first and true I am. The second ‘I am’ is Effect - it is the individual of the Collective One. It is localized Consciousness - the effect of One as Cause.

When we do differentiate for the purpose of mind being able to understand, bear in mind there is NOT two but one, however differentiating is needed for the mind to grasp the truth as it is incapable of seeing the big picture initially. So, the two halves of the whole, are Spirit being male (I) and Soul being female (Am). This is Cause - the Unmanifest and eternal true Conscious Awareness of all Being and Non-Being. Soul aka Awareness is the body, activity, or expression of Spirit aka Consciousness. There must be the law of gender in order to create life. I am Self-Creative. I am Cause being Effect. I am life dreaming itself. I am All in One and One in All.

For life to manifest there must be a push and pull - gravity - a big bang so to speak, to bring Cause into Effect or for the invisible to manifest into the visible. Therefore, the One must separate, however never forget, in truth they are One. This is the Fall into the Rise. This does make sense if it does not - yet. Soul is the body of Spirit like Awareness is the activity of consciousness. They are two sides of one coin. They have no form - they are and always will be Unmanifest - unlimited, unfettered, and free. Consciousness is nonconceptual and Awareness is undifferentiated. The Spirit being Soul as One, is of the Causative realms.

Effect is the Mind and body. The mental and physical realms of being. The visible. The manifest. The dream.

The whole point of Self-Realization is Effect realizing itself as Cause.

"The mind turned inwards is the true Self. Turned outwards it becomes the ego". Sri Ramana Maharshi

The Incarnate Soul aka Individual Soul is a part - not apart from - the One true Soul being Spirit. It was born in its image of its parents (Mother Soul and Father Spirit) and is used as a vessel or Avtar for Spirit/Soul to be in the world physically. It is actually localized Consciousness claiming a part of the Soul as its own. Each lifetime, however, sees it become more conscious of itself as the full Soul, giving it more and more dominion over effect as well as the realization that everything in the world is actually a part of himself rather than apart from himself. I say himself as it is Spirit that is the true Intelligence and Soul that is the body. This is why we are referred to as the Son in scripture.

The Incarnate Soul is the bridge between the Spiritual and the physical realms. It is the mental Realm. The Incarnate Soul is form however, it is a form so light and evanescent that to the physical senses it is not known. So, after death nothing really changes apart from your body type. Death is only a shock to those heavily identified with form. The Incarnate Soul is both a reflection or image born in the likeness of Consciousness (I) and awareness (Am), therefore it is both conscious and aware. In other words, like the true and eternal Self it is Self-Aware.

The mind is a reflection or physical vessel of one's Incarnate Soul, like the Incarnate Soul is a reflection of the true Self. This is the 3 in 1 which is creation - I am that I am.

The Incarnate Soul is like clay to a Potter - the Potter being the true Self - the true I Am. Every lifetime it is shaped or moulded, through experience - through karma, to take the full measure of the true Self. In other words, it is shaped and moulded lifetime after lifetime to exactly resemble its true Self as Spirit, so that it can be filled with the Holy Ghost aka Intuition and guided by one's true Self as Cause. It is Cause ever shaping Effect.

The Conscious Mind rolls out of the Subconscious mind like a wave does the sea. It is both male (Conscious Mind) and female (Subconscious Mind). It is a perfect reflection of the One when not subject to Ego aka Effect ignorant of itself as Cause.

The Incarnate Soul expresses itself though and as both the Conscious and Subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is being moulded as a Vessel for the Soul and the Conscious Mind as a Vessel for Spirit. The conscious mind reflects the Spirit - our I am-ness and is known as thought, Presence, and Intelligence. The Conscious mind is our attention, keeping us one pointed and focused.

The Subconscious Mind is the collective activity and expression of the Conscious mind throughout all its Lifetimes. It represents it evolution into its Self as Soul so far.

Can you see how each level of being is repeating itself in principle? Soul (Am) is the activity of Spirit (I). The subconscious – Am (vessel for Soul) is the activity of the Conscious Mind – I (throughout many lifetimes).

When Cause and Effect align - miracles happen.

~ Tracy Pierce

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