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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce



Why does suffering and Enlightenment tend to be synonymous? In principle it is our resistance to change and our attachment to form that causes us to suffer.

If we identify as form - as mind and body then of course we are going to become attached to them and of course we do not want to see our form change from young to old, from life to death etc. This is unfortunate as the only constant with matter or effect is change. If one wants to bring an end to their suffering then one must begin to know themselves beyond form, as Cause - as Spirit. One must learn to know themselves as life eternal, then relinquishing any form need not be so painful.

There is no real birth or death of matter. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. This has been scientifically proven. We say there is a birth and a death because we have identified with a particular form and therefore experience its change from one form to another as personal beginning and end. If we knew ourselves as Spirit beyond form, we would not take this so personally or suffer this change.

If you identify as the thinker behind your thoughts, the feeler of feelings and the doer behind all doing then you are in for a shock for there is no one - no Soul behind your thoughts, feelings, or actions as an egoic mind. One's Soul being Spirit has had nothing to do with your creation of or rise in thought. Clearly the war, disease and famine etc that is seen on the world stage today is not of Spirit, but of a mind cut off from its Source like a branch from the vine. Thought is rising on its own, by itself, creating one thought after another. It is the conscious mind aka thought, gone rogue. It has gone rogue, like a runaway train with no driver, as it has no conscious awareness of itself as Spirit, so is creating as mind instead. Due to the mind being ignorant of its true Self Spiritually, it feels it must create its life via thinking as opposed to revealing it for Spirit which is our true Cause and Creator. These egoic thoughts born from a mind that does not know itself as Spirit are false images born from ignorance.

Once one reidentifies with one's true Self as Spirit, then one will have dominion over the mind and body. Until then you as mind will be subject to the mind. You will be subject to all its desires and addictions that rise up within it due to the mind being cut off from its Source. The mind innately and unconsciously knows it is missing a vital part of its being so it searches for it in the world of effect which of course it will never find. One must go within.

As pointed out earlier, an egoic mind is created when the vessel for Spirit (mind) equates its existence with itself, rather than Spirit. When this happens, man is forced to TAKE thought from the mental realm of separation and duality in order to survive and navigate life, for he/she has lost their guiding light or inner compass as Spirit. Rather than living by Faith one must live by thinking, meaning man is forced to measure and judge continually in order to make it in a world of apparent darkness. This continual train of thought in turn veils the true Self as the mind rises out of the temple when taking thought. The temple of 'Present Moment Awareness' is the only place the mind can be filled with the Holy Ghost (intuition) and be guided by one's true Self as Spirit. If one does not abide in their temple, one will not be conscious of oneself as Spirit. One will only know themselves as a mind and body that of course has an expiration date like all form in Effect. Hence, we come to fear our so called 'death' which of course inhibits our living potential.

Instead of a human BEING life, you become instead a human THINKING it is being life. Can you see the difference? You are not seeing reality as it is, you are seeing reality as you think it is. You are filtering your god given light though a kaleidoscope of personal thought that distorts, delays, and destroys the true manifestation of Spirit - your true Self and purpose for being here in this lifetime. The mind be like a window or door that is clear of all debris - debris being thought, otherwise Spirit cannot flow out into the world as a blessing.

Being separated from one's Truth or Source, one is also consequently separated from all beings and universe. For it is only the light within man that unifies us all. It is only as Cause that we are One. Without a deep inner connection with Self, we fight and war with each other for our good. This good is never found in the world of Effect - in form. It is only ever found in the world of Cause - the formless. It is true. The mind can imitate Cause and create; however, its creations are limited and more often than not detrimental to the whole.

There are a few ways to realize Spirit. Sri Ramana Maharshi advocates 2 ways that are basically the same but approached differently. The 1st one is Self-inquiry:

Carefully examine your thoughts and from where they arise. Trace every thought back to its origin which you will no doubt discover, they always arise from the personal "I" thought which is the Conscious mind aka Inner I or Third I. Over time and with careful examination you will see there is no personal "I". When this is seen thought drops away simply because there is no 'one' there to sustain it anymore. The consciousness of mind, which is the vessel of Spirit, has finally realized itself as Spirit, leaving the mind to rest in peace to reveal the truth and beauty of Spirit rather than its own idea of the truth.

The 2nd is surrender. This is the path I took quite naturally. Before I even knew of Sri Ramana. It requires staying completely in the moment, accepting every moment for what it is while surrendering the thinking mind to the being mind. If one is not taking thought, one is forced to live by Claircognizance and the serendipitous synchronicity of the moment. Surrender everything to life - to the moment, knowing it has your best interests at heart. A thorough understanding of the laws and principles of life is necessary for this path for the mind does not roll over and play dead for any ole reason. My page will give you these reasons.

Understand there are two "I's" so to speak in your present reality. I AM (Sprit) that I am (Mind). I am that I am. I am Spirit is reality, I am mind is illusion - a dream world where we as Spirit live the dream in effect. If we do not know ourselves as Spirit - the true I AM, we will identify as I am mind instead, limiting our demonstrations and manifestations to the mental realm of duality and limitation as opposed to the Spiritual realm of wholeness and magic. Life is not about denying the individual I but living through the individual I as the Collective I - as Spirit. As Spirit you have dominion over all effect. As mind you have dominion over nothing - not even your own mind as any addict (and we all are) will tell you.


You must lose the one to gain the other. Can you see that?

"No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one and despise the other" Matthew 6:24.

There is no room in your temple for both the false I and the true I. The false I must serve the true I so they merge as One. This requires the experiential realization of Spirit. Be still (mentally) then and know: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father (Spirit) except through me (Christ or Zen mind).” - John 14:6

If you keep the mind single (meditative) and stay in the moment, you will be under the governance of Spirit (as opposed to your own mind) and Spirit is life.

~ Tracy Pierce

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