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Writer's pictureTracy Pierce


The word is thought/mind or Incarnate Spirit depending on one's choice of words. A mind that is intuitively receptive through holding a definite and direct, one pointed, presence that is absolutely heart felt, not in the now but as the now. The word is the son or focal point of Spirit whose vessel is the conscious mind, born through the subconscious/Soul. The subconscious being the only part of the Soul the Reincarnating Spirit or Focal Point has dominion over.

The word comes into being the same way your words come into being. You as the conscious mind imagine an idea, you put your heart (subconscious) into it, and it manifests in the physical. Likewise, Spirit (I) impregnates the Soul (am) with a word (mind) and that word is birthed by the Soul and made flesh (reflection). There is only one point of difference. And it is a highly significant difference. You as the Inner I or Conscious Mind, receive and reveal the word, which you then impregnate into your subconscious and which she in turn births it into the physical. Note I said, receive and reveal. Not take and create thought/word, for if you take and create thought as mind, you will take and create from the mental realm and not the Spiritual. No - one must hold the mind in a being or mediative state so that the word can be received and we as mind can reveal and witness. This communion between Spirit and Son through the mother (soul) is one day felt as Union for you are the Father, the Mother, and the Son. You are the Holy Trinity. I am that I am.

The word/mind is not a thinker but a witness. Spirit is the thinker - the true intelligence. Not mind.

Trust in the LORD (true Self) with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; - Proverbs 3:5

The mind is an interpreter - an avatar of Spirit - a witness to life unfolding season by season, as angels rise and fall within the eternity of Consciousness being Awareness - being everything, yet nothing at all, for even though we are in the world we as form we are not of it being formlessness.

The mind is like clay and Spirit is the Potter, forever shaping and moulding the clay this way and that in the name of Love.

Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for honourable use, some for dishonourable. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work. - Timothy 2:20 – 21

As soon as the mind is quiet and has ceased trying to create a life out of its own thoughts, the Soul (the Now) whispers come hither, raising him up inside her being, allowing the father (Spirit) to raise his Son (mind) in his likeness. The son can only come to the father through the mother, just like any son on earth can only know his father through his mother.

Now know you are the Father, the Mother and the Son. You are omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. You are the Alpha and the Omega.

~ Tracy Pierce

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