The subconscious, which is our living temple of Awareness, constitutes approximately ninety five percent of the mind. Unlike the Conscious Mind, it is always a part of the present moment. Never apart from it. Unlike the Conscious Mind that is often lost in its own thoughts, which of course equates to being absent in the living Temple of Now. Awareness, when made conscious through the presence of the conscious mind, aids us in realizing the fullness of our being multi dimensionally - beyond the dimensions of mind and body. For the subconscious is the door to the superconscious. It is through the Awareness of the Subconscious that we meet ourselves as Spirit - the eternal and infinite I am.
The other five percent of the mind belongs to the Conscious Mind Aka thought. What I endearingly term the village idiot when it its Egoic state. The Conscious Mind is a vessel, albeit an empty vessel for the most part, and reflection of the eternal Consciousness that is Spirit Aka that is our true Self. The Conscious Mind otherwise known as Thought is our attention - our presence of Being or sense of existence. Awareness of the human Soul is felt rather than thought. Whereas Awareness of the eternal and true Soul is known and experienced as knowing Aka Faith. Awareness is always the body or the activity of Consciousness. The Awareness of the Subconscious Aka human Soul is the activity of both the Consciousness of Mind and the Consciousness of Spirit.
To be honest, and the reason the Conscious Mind earned itself the nickname the Village idiot, is because the conscious mind is not really all that conscious despite its mis-leading name. I say this as our Conscious Mind - that which we use to think with, therefore, our mistaken sense of existence, is not actually conscious at all unless it is 'lo and behold' practicing Present Moment Awareness, which to be fair, it rarely is at this point in history lol - generally speaking. Neither is the thinking mind conscious of itself as Awareness either as the Subconscious nor Soul. Nor one's true and abiding Consciousness as Spirit - unknowable as Mind yet the origin of Mind. Unknowable to Mind because Mind has only learned to look forward with the eyes - the sense perceptions. It has not yet learned to learn back, apperceiving with and as the I of Being - Meditation whereby it aligns with a higher Consciousness than mind Consciousness. Awareness is the essence of meditation (Meditation meaning no-mind) and Awareness is Soul.
The conscious mind, apart from being lost in its own delusions, is our I am-ness - our sense of existence or presence of being even though we as Soul (Am) have misidentified with the wrong (I) Consciousness. We have identified with the I of form (Subconscious) instead of our natural formless existence (Unmanifest Awareness or Soul) due to our (Mind) consciousness using the eyes to inform itself as a thinker, rather than meditating as the I on the I of Spirit, which informs or guides us through Faith - Knowing - claircognizance. Spirit then goes before the mind making all the crooked places (Neural pathways) straight, restoring sanity and balance to life as it lives.
Bear in mind remember, that the Conscious Mind (Which we use to think with) is only a reflection of light that is our true I am-ness or existence which is Unmanifest - of our true and eternal Spiritual Consciousness. The mind is a temporary Temple only whose consciousness is named the Omega. The mind/body is conscious in a limited sense. You could liken its consciousness to being like the sensory awareness of the body, rather than the creative and omniscient intelligence that is Spirit. Rather the Consciousness of Mind is like a light bulb that lights up when electricity powers it. It dies the minute you turn the switch off. Much like the mind/'body when the Spirit leaves it at death.
It is not until consciousness of mind has merged with the true Consciousness of Spirit that we begin to truly come alive. This union or marriage between the two I am's can only take place within the Souls of Spirit & Mind Aka the Present Moment itself. Until then mind is like a branch cut off from the vine. Unconscious of itself beyond being thoughts and feelings reacting to environmental stimuli.
The Consciousness of mind is meant to rest within the Awareness of the Subconscious as One Mind. A mind in turn, buried deep within the heart - the heart being the One true and eternal Soul - Aka Awareness. This pure Awareness is the activity of Pure Consciousness (Spirit). The Conscious Mind by staying present in its temple of Awareness, gives life in the physical to whatever Spirit intuits because it is consciously in tune (Awake) with itself Spiritually.
The Egoic Mind, however, leaves the Temple every time it attends its own thoughts. Every time we believe our thoughts, we become lost in them, and then we lose touch with reality - literally. Which is dangerous because we give life to whatever we are conscious of, whether it is true (Origin Spirit) or false (Origin Ego), or whether we like what we are conscious of or not. Leaving the Temple where Spirit is realized and intuitive guidance given, for idle thoughts and fancies that entertain, is foolhardy. Yet we all do it. All the time. Unless we are asleep. Or drugged. Or dead. Or awake.
To reiterate this very important principle discussed in the previous paragraph, while the conscious mind is present in its mental and emotional thought creations (False images), it is absent from the very Temple (Present Moment) it becomes conscious of Spiritual guidance. As a consequence, The Egoic Mind gives life in the physical to its own egoic thoughts and emotions - that are False images, instead of true images (thoughts) it should have received, had it been present in its Temple where it was to receive the fruits of Spirit - one's daily bread so to speak.
Until the mind has slowed down enough to become conscious of itself Spiritually, the minds consciousness will not see its eternal Being. It is too distracted by itself as form, and all the things of the world. Moreover, it does not believe it is not the true Self. It does not believe in a Self that has no form because - ironically - you cannot prove that to the mind while in its sensory perception mode. It can only be known by a mind that is in an apperceptive state of Being contusive to receiving metaphysical intuition. The idea of a true Self that is invisible, is simply too ridiculous to conceive of at this point in our evolutionary unfolding. And of course, no one looks for something that is not lost - or think is not lost do they. So, the mind and body for thousands and thousands of years has roamed the earth half alive and half dead - like a branch cut off from the vine.
Emotion is the body's response to thought when operating egoically. We judge a situation to be so and then emotionally respond to it. As popular testimony implies, the Consciousness of Mind, cut off from Spirit, ruling the roost, is fated to experience a hairy ride, nine times out of ten. If operating from one's true state of Consciousness, knowing or faith guides us moment to moment. Even in the valley of death, the realized Soul, is at peace as the Presence in the Present, whether manifest (Omega) or unmanifest (Alpha).
When in the Buddha or Christ state of mind, Love inspires thought. We always lead from the heart. The Conscious Mind rests easily in the tempered purity of the Subconscious, giving light and life to the divine idea flowing through the Awareness of Soul both individually (Subconscious) and collectively (True and eternal Soul). This Awareness is experienced as a deep Faith or Knowing which manifests as Grace - Serendipity - synchronicity - Claircognizance (Faith) and a newfound peace and patience that arrives as un-intrusively as it was un-earnt.
The Ego seeks its truth with the thinking mind which is cute because the Ego IS the thinking Mind. The thinking Mind must die before the Being Mind lives and it is only the Being Mind that realizes Self. Taking thought always causes us to leave our Temple of Present Moment Awareness. By leaving the Temple of and as Present Moment Awareness, we become completely unconscious to the Spiritual guidance offered as 'Knowing' or 'Faith' within said Temple.
Consciousness creating images (thoughts) with Consciousness equals Illusion. Thought must cease so that Consciousness (You) stops getting distracted long enough to become conscious of yourself as Soul - also known as Awareness. When the tempered and purified Mind rests within the heart, it marries the eternal Awareness of Soul. This state is often referred to as 'no-mind', in that the mind is completely pure subconsciously, through being tempered and purified, leaving it perfectly aligned all aspects of Being meaning 'Under Grace'. This means purity of Spirit is demonstrated and manifested in the mental and physical realms without the distortions of Ego that filter, delay, and obstruct.
Consciousness rising in itself to create mental images, is impotent - a dead work. It can only ever be a mental concept, as it is only the Awareness of Soul and the Subconscious couple with Consciousness that can mentally or physically manifest life in the physical. Consciousness without awareness equals mental concepts and mental concepts are not real. Now is real. Spirit plus Spirit is merely dreaming. Spirit plus Soul is reality. In thought the conscious mind becomes unconscious to all other realms of being that live in the now.
How conscious is the mind is of being aware of its Soul as Awareness (which is formless btw) outside of a mental concept is entirely dependent on how long it can stay out of the thinking process and its many attractions while staying consciously present - profoundly present. I swear if you stay in the moment long enough, you will become it. Once the personal is lost you are home free. Life is seen clearly.
Bear in mind what Awareness is and what is being asked of the conscious mind, that has always risen in thought outside of the now - its own Soul - divorced from its true and natural Being. All throughout history. And we know mind and change are two words much like oil and water. Awareness is always now, and is without form, therefore you do not think it nor do you really feel it. You know it. Thinking and feeling is mind but Knowing is Soul. Awareness - Soul is the essence of Mind which IS Meditation - or madness if meditation is lost.
Therefore, the conscious mind must stay present and attentive to its own awareness, ensuring to wipe the dust off their feet each night by purifying the Subconscious and laying it to rest emotionally. It will take time to retrain the mind to function differently, so be patient with yourself. Remember all you are doing is training your mind to come back to the present moment every single time you notice it has strayed into another mind story that insists on stealing your attention while rendering you unconscious to Spirit.
~ Love Tracy