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Writer's picture: Tracy PierceTracy Pierce

The purity of Spirit as it passes through the Egoic mind is filtered with erroneous beliefs and ideas formed by a mind unconscious of itself Spiritually, therefore, all beliefs, ideas etc formed by mind, are steeped in fear, duality, limitation, and ignorance. Hence why you see sickness, death, violence, war etc in the world today instead of the purity of Spirit.

Thoughts coming from Spirit, flowing through a clear and quiescent mind, mean all true images morphing into mental and physical manifestations and demonstrations are perfect to behold in the physical. Thoughts coming from Spirit, flowing through an egoic mind, however, will have its purity of light distorted, delayed, and sometimes destroyed, causing much pain and suffering in the world. This is why we see Spirit and Ego displayed in life.

Spirit upholds our life individually and collectively. You would see only purity of Spirit if the Subconscious Aka Human Soul (Which it flows through) was pure and devoid of Egoic beliefs and ideologies created by the Conscious Mind Aka Inner rising in the caravan of thought.

If one's mind has been tempered and purified, sitting in a state of clear emptiness, devoid of all personal identification through identifying with the true Self instead, when the purity of Spirit passes through the mind, it flows through without being tainted or sullied by a false image created by a mind full of itself and its trauma.

Spirit (I) works through the unmanifest activity of the true Soul (AM) , which in turn upholds the manifested human Soul (Subconscious) within her unmanifested womb. It is fair to say that the true Self as I AM (Spirit being Soul) is the true doer and activity of life, as much as the mind and body likes to THINK it is.

The true Soul imbues the Subconscious (Human Soul) with the Divine Idea given from Spirit, for the Conscious Mind (Thought) to give life to in the physical, through its AM Aka subconscious or Human soul. This is why the Inner I Aka Conscious Mind must keep completely still in meditation.

Obviously, when looking out at the world, this does not always happen as the Conscious Mind is often absent in the Temple where intuition is given while present in its own self-generated caravan of thoughts. Fortunately, the Subconscious does not need the Conscious Mind to take care of the body such as keeping the heart beating, breathing, digesting, and eliminating food, or moving you out of the way really fast if danger is sensed. The Conscious Mind really is just the Witness - the revealer of life - not the creator.

The Conscious Mind is needed however when it comes to purifying the Subconscious so that Spirit is no longer veiled or distorted as it flows through the mind and out into the world. It is as Jung says, 'We must make conscious what is unconscious'. This is either done, through meeting your subconscious projections in the physical dressed up as people and scenarios that ensure you take note and relearn a different way of operating or alternatively one can practice Present Moment Awareness, in which the light from Soul Aka burns the impurities away, leaving one clear minded.

To conclude, the world around you is a combination of Ego and Spirit flowing into the world as either a manifestation or demonstration of themselves. The determination of their said demonstrations etc, is entirely reliant on one's mind state which is either 'thinking (Ego) or Being (Christ or Buddha Mind).

~ Love Tracy

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