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RA is a name that has historically been associated with the Sun God, but there's another meaning behind it.
RA represents the Golden Ratio and the Golden Angle, which are numbers used to describe mathematical patterns found in nature.
The Golden Ratio is 1.618, and the Golden Angle is 137.5 degrees. When you combine these two numbers, you get RA. Interestingly, there are two times during the day when you can align yourself with RA time. These times are 12:37 am and 12:37 pm.
If you take 60 seconds and divide it by the Golden Ratio, which is 1.618, you get 37. Therefore, 12:37 is the time when the Sun is directly over your head or below your feet, depending on whether it's morning or night.
By being aware of these times and setting your intentions during them, you can connect with the 432hz toroidal flow grid, which is a natural flow grid that exists outside of the 440hz grid we typically live in.
So set your alarm and get ready to align yourself with RA time to connect with the natural flow of the universe and manifest positive change in your life.
Get your 9vibes aligned!
(Personally speaking my ONLY intention would be to align with thy true Self first and foremost - Tracy).
