Heaven is to be completely in love and content in and as the moment. Hell is desiring the moment to be different to what it is.
Hell is insatiability. A thirst you cannot quench, an itch you cannot scratch. A desire you cannot fulfill. Hell is a mind divorced from itself Spiritually, therefore, unable to find its innate peace and contentedness. One always thirsts, one always itches, one always desires - enough is never enough.
The mind used to solving its problems and getting what it wants and needs through thinking cannot find its true Self this way. The idea of not thinking - of being still confuses the mind. It cannot imagine finding its true Self, therefore, its Truth - its Peace, through being still. However, this is the way. To be mentally still and wait for Spirit Consciousness to be revealed within the consciousness of mind.
'Be still and know that I am' - Psalm 46.
