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Being able to let go of struggles one has in life without a resolution is key, once one has finally realized that the solution is found in the being mind rather than the thinking mind. In other words, we cease relying on the understanding of Mind Consciousness unconscious and misaligned with Spiritual Consciousness by staying in the moment, outside of the thinking mind that would spend days, hours and weeks trying to solve problems through trying to hustle and manipulate a world it sees as apart from itself, rather than a part of.

Mind Consciousness can only expand in consciousness if it is present in the awareness of its Human Soul (instrument) and its true Self as Soul, which sits behind the mind animating the whole show. In other words, we can only expand in consciousness if we are present in and of the moment for the Subconscious and the activity or animation of the Subconscious is upheld by the true Self as Soul (Am) being Spirit (I). I am that I am. I AM Spirit/Soul animate thy instrument as I Am Conscious and Subconscious Mind.

This means we must learn to be conscious OF the mind, rather than conscious AS the mind. We must create a separation between ourselves as the Alpha (which we have not yet realized ourselves to be) and the rest of the world such as our thoughts feelings and all their demonstrations and manifestations. This is called Netti netti. We find out all that we are though realizing all that we are not. Once this is done, we are left with nothing. As in Nothing, for our true Self is beyond form. It is then we learn to see with the I of thy Being, rather than the eyes of our being. The true Self can only be known through Being - not thinking which relies on the senses to inform it - giving it a sense of 'self'.

So, we learn to see through Faith, which is another word for intuition, claircognizance and knowing. The mind will have a wee freak out right about now because it is going to say or think - wtf does that even mean! Well, you will find out once the thinking mind ceases and the being mind begins. You will know what to do, what to think, what to say, what to be, at even given moment without having to create or take thought as Mind unconscious of itself as Spirit. How Spirit works through you and how you cognize this is different for everyone, for we are all built differently. Some will hear through clairaudience; some will hear in French and some in Japanese depending upon the instrument. Some will hear through claircognizance as I do and some through clairvoyance. Whatever the case maybe, your guidance will be very clear, with not one doubt attached to said guidance. Rest assured also that one's Spirit always in all ways works for the individual as well as the whole and never against it, for Spirit only knows ONE 'knowing I am that'.

~ Love Tracy

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