Every belief is mind control. You have an idea and then you be living in it - which of course is limiting. A belief has parameters - it is differentiated - it promotes dualism. Too many beliefs veil the true Self which is unlimited. It is impossible to have ideas and beliefs when you are practicing meditation and mindfulness for one thought (which meditation is) cannot create new beliefs. When the Subconscious mind is purified, empty and not full of itself (idea beliefs & concepts) the Holy Spirit Aka intuition enters it. Intuition is the voice of your true Self beyond Mind-body-consciousness. If you hold beliefs, they act as a filter that obscures and distorts the purity of Light and Love that is your true nature. A certain amount of differentiation is of course necessary to maintain the dream, however let the dream be created by Thy true Self and not the Conscious Mind unconscious of itself Spiritually. Be living in Spirit - not a belief or an idea of Spirit. This means being Present Moment Awareness.
~ Love Tracy